06-15-03, 11:20 AM
Probably the number one reptile-related phone call that I received at the emergency animal clinic I used to work at involved someone calling because their baby iguana had stopped eating, changed colors, and wouldn't use its back legs. Iguanas are sold by the dozens around my local area to people who are told nothing about proper husbandry. It's truely depressing, and I became even more depressed as I learned more personally about what it takes to properly care for an iguana. That's why I can't own one yet, because it's actually <i>easier</i> to raise an 8ft boa than an iguana.
The more I learn about the iguana industry and exactly what it's like, the more I want to do something about it. If you are so inclined go <b><a href="">here</a></b> to sign a petition that is trying to stop the sale of baby iguanas on the NJ boardwalks in the summer. I didn't even know that there was a business like this in operation and it really sickens me. I thought it was pathetic enough to see them in those tanks at local pet stores, but the thought of them being sold on the street like souveniers is really disturbing. I personally think <i>all</i> pet ownership should require a lisense, but things like this only reinforce my belief that exotic pets need to come first.
Every little bit helps.
The more I learn about the iguana industry and exactly what it's like, the more I want to do something about it. If you are so inclined go <b><a href="">here</a></b> to sign a petition that is trying to stop the sale of baby iguanas on the NJ boardwalks in the summer. I didn't even know that there was a business like this in operation and it really sickens me. I thought it was pathetic enough to see them in those tanks at local pet stores, but the thought of them being sold on the street like souveniers is really disturbing. I personally think <i>all</i> pet ownership should require a lisense, but things like this only reinforce my belief that exotic pets need to come first.
Every little bit helps.