View Full Version : Tarantula's for Beginners

06-14-03, 09:45 PM
Can anybody tell me a low aggressive, handleble species of Tarantula for a begginer.
Thx, Brad

06-14-03, 10:18 PM
Brazilian Black Tarantula, Mexican Red-Kneed, Chaco giant golden-striped, Chilean Common, Pink zebra beauty, Pinktoe and Curly hair all make good pets for a beginned tarantula keeper.

06-14-03, 10:21 PM
Thx for the info I Think I will go fro mexican red knee!

06-14-03, 11:12 PM
zebras are low agressive and handleable?
i had one and she was pretty cranky.. i dare not put my hand in the enclosure unless i blocked her off.. she'd chase it around if i gave her the chance.. pretty speedy too...

Tim and Julie B
06-14-03, 11:31 PM
Rose hairs also! Some red knees are not friendly but nice to look at! Pink Zebra Beauty is an awsome friendly T. In my opinion.

06-15-03, 04:42 PM
is there a diff b/w a Pink Zebra and just a Zebra?
i had a Zebra... CRANKY!! *laugh*
attitude-wise that is..

06-15-03, 04:52 PM
I'd imagine a Pink Zebra is one who probably had more krill iin it's diet than his normal brethren. lol

Latin names dude! :D

06-15-03, 06:59 PM
Maybe I'l Start With A Pinktoe I heard there great for handling.