View Full Version : Opening a chat on irc for the channel
i have been thinking since we seem to have alot of members that maybe we can open a chat on irc. so we can all talk to each other more and it can be if ne 1 has ne input on this let me know so i can set it up i have bots @ my use to hold the channel i just need to know if u want to do this or not.
06-27-02, 04:03 AM
Sure, open one up Martin... I will try and install a java chat program that can go to the channel from the main page also for people who dont have irc installed... #ssnakess would be good :)
06-27-02, 08:48 AM
Good idea AzR@k
Talking back and forth in a chat in much better that way things dont get misinturpreted wrong.
:) :) :) :) :) :)
Darren Hamill
06-27-02, 08:55 AM
I agree.......... It's a good idea so long as it's good software....... Having a laggy chat is no fun and will keep people from coming back...... Just IMO.....
06-27-02, 10:23 AM
Martin good idea and good intentions but I disagree with hosting it on undernet... i can get some bots set up and do it up on a efnet channel..... efnet is a far better irc network then undernet.... undernet is full of warez kiddies..... *cough* *cough* :P
hey whats wrong with us warez kiddies!! put it like this if we do it on undernet i will not have to register it i have 100% full protection from hackers and i hae a bot net of about 20 to play with! only if it is on undernet
darren the software is good if u have a good PC, the channel is up on undernet it is #ssnakess i will have bots up soon
Darren Hamill
06-27-02, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by AzR@k
darren the software is good if u have a good PC, the channel is up on undernet it is #ssnakess i will have bots up soon
I realize that but there is some software that will lagg all users if there is one user with a slow connection, no?
This software isn't affected in that way. So if someone is lagging then that's just their problem, it doesnt slow anything down for anyone but themselves....
the channel is up and running(with out bots right now till later tonight) so ne 1 who has irc please join undernet and got #ssnakess i am HyGhBr|d in the chan
Darren Hamill
06-27-02, 11:08 AM
AzR@k = How about a link to the channel or irc software?
Linds = Thz! :)
well darren the link is
and the chan has been moved to efnet and the chan is still the same #ssnakess
06-27-02, 11:35 AM
basically irc = internet relay chat..
you download the client.. there are many different kidns of clients/scripts that do many a different things.. the basic one would be and download the client some efnet servers would be (i think its org or net or come lol)
actually i'm goin to just link to a efnet server page instead of listing them...
will list off the different servers you can use to connect to efnet...
if you have any questions u can pm me and i will help you set up a client.. for thouse that are a lil more advance and feel comfortable with irc n what not i woudl sugesst the script peace and protection... its a great script and is very handy you can get it from
so we have the channel with a temp bot net set up with a few clients on different servers connecting from different machines thus holding the channel... anyone that wants to chat come n join the channel...
a few commands that may come in handy while on irc
/j # (put the name of the channel/chat room you want to join)
/j #ssnakess (to join the ssnakess chat)
you can do actions by typing
/me takes a drink of ______
that will basicly post to the chan
memento takes a drink of _____ (done in a different colour then normal chat) its for doing actions n what not... heh
/me laughs
/part #(channel name) will leave a chat room
/msg (nick namewithout brackets) will send a private message to the user.
/ping (#channle or nick) will ping the person and tell you what delay there is in seconds between your two connections...
thats all i can think of right now.. oh and /quit heh to quit the server
/server (server name) to join or change your current server
/nick (new nick) will allow you to change your nick name...
hope that helps..
06-27-02, 11:37 AM
one other thing... i forgot to mention the "amb" nicks on there are a friend who is helpinghold the chn he most likely will just be idle in the channel...
nother good script is invision
I'd love to go chat but u guys are making really to hard for ppl who are not to bright on Irc and tstuff like that
just my oppinion ..
how are we doing that dom? me and memento are here to help! if u need help getting on just msg me or him or post on this thread and we will help u oh yea i am always on here
IMO having the ssnakess chat on IRC might be a little discouraging to people, since they have to download the software. Ive found that asides from the few regulars, most of the people that stop in to the chat are just passer-bys that arent even members, but stop in to see whats up. I think since the whole convenience factor is gone it may experience less visitors.
but the whole point of doing this is for the regulars to get to know each other a bit more on a chat program which is small and very easy to use so i find nothing wrong with this idea...even those looking for help and that dont ghave time to wait can go on the channel and look for some 1 and ask can get there halp quicker then waiting for response from the board but that is just my opinion since the board moves slowly
06-28-02, 04:11 AM
hehe i'm goin to set up a java chat that will link to the irc server so people just click on a link n vola infact i will do it be4 i sleep.. if i can find the freakin link to the software... :)
give me a lil time
06-28-02, 05:24 AM
ok - hassel free easy way to get into the chat....
Jeff size downt he logo if u want and i can replace the frog on the window...
reset should be easy... change your nick name to your nick... change your name to your name if you want.. choose a server from the drop down menu... there are 5 listed there... and click on the connect the rest shoudl be simple :) when the box comes up asking for permisions click on the yes button.... leave the server port as is...
any questions pm me
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