View Full Version : Cave-Dwelling Rat Snake with eggs "PIC"

Simon R. Sansom
06-14-03, 11:41 AM
Hi everyone,
I was not expecting to see this at 1:00 in the afternoon!
Sorry about the poor pic, but I didn't want to disturb her.

Thanks for looking.

Tim and Julie B
06-14-03, 12:21 PM
Dam it! I envy you so bad! Dam it I what your collection! Caves too..............dam it! .................................................. ...

06-16-03, 03:47 PM
Jealousy, jealousy!!


06-16-03, 03:50 PM
Wow, what a beauty! Congrats!

Simon R. Sansom
06-17-03, 04:13 AM
Thanks folks!
She ended up producing 18 eggs altogether, a couple of which are definite "slugs", and there are a couple more which are questionable, even when trans-illuminated (candled).

Here's hoping for some healthy baby ridleyi.



06-17-03, 06:36 PM
Wow !!! nice work Simon!

Simon R. Sansom
06-17-03, 10:18 PM
Thank you, Paul! Will you guys be at the S.O.R.B.E. show?


06-18-03, 02:18 AM
Looking nice Simon! My Vietnamese Blue Beauty eggs are due to hatch in the next couple weeks or so & I can hardly wait. Good luck with your incubation. Mark I.

Simon R. Sansom
06-18-03, 04:22 AM
Thanks Mark!
Hopefully I'll have a better hatch-rate than I did with my Children's pythons, lol!
Good luck with your Blues. How many eggs did you get from her?


06-18-03, 06:11 PM
Thx Simon & the VBB laid 13 perfect eggs that look the same as the day they were laid except the top ones are just starting to indent now. They are at 9 weeks today so it could be anytime, WOO HOO! Good luck with your wait. If you are anything like me you'll be nearly crazy after 9 weeks. HATCH HATCH HATCH ALREADY!!! LOL Mark I.

06-18-03, 06:12 PM
that is one beatiful snake...im envious... :D

06-18-03, 06:14 PM
Here's my girl with her eggs Simon. Mark I.

<center><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/BB3.JPG"width="600">

06-18-03, 08:15 PM
Hey Simon we will be there, will you ??? If so I hope to yak at ya!!

06-19-03, 01:16 PM
Hi Simon & everyone else. First off WOO HOO!!!! I was reading the posts here again & couldn't help but to go look at my eggs. I'm glad I looked because about 1/2 of them have hatched! All 13 eggs looked perfect so I'm hoping for a 100% hatch rate. This is another first for me so I'm very happy about it. Look for a new thread coming soon with some Vietnamese Blue Beauty baby pics. Again WOO HOO! :bounce: Mark I.

06-19-03, 03:22 PM
COOL!!! i want some!!!

Simon R. Sansom
06-19-03, 06:53 PM
Paul; Yes, We hope to be there. Assuming that I can get my vehicle back in travellin' condition!

Mark; Congratulations on the Blue Beauty babies. Hmm...9 weeks, eh? I wonder if the cavers will be similar? What temps did you incubate at?
