View Full Version : My leo eggs are growing

06-14-03, 11:25 AM
I noticed my older leo eggs are growing a lot. The biggest one was hatched on April 15th (my first clutch). The temperature is 81*F, the humidity is only 50% though cuz for some reason I can't get it higher (maybe my hygrometer is broken?). I use a vermiculite laying medium in a hovabator and the vermiculite is moist and in tupperware containers. Is the growing eggs a good sign or a bad sign? This is my first year breeding and I'm hoping my first eggs will hatch in the next few days.


06-14-03, 11:45 AM
It's normal for the eggs to get bigger as they get close to hatching :) I assume that you probably mean that your biggest one was LAID on april 15th, and not hatched on april 15th? At 81F, you're probably looking at somewhere in between 60-90 days for a incubation period... My eggs were at 85, and hatched out at 63 days... Good luck!