View Full Version : snow leos??

06-13-03, 03:48 PM
can anyone tell me what hatchling snows go for. $$
I'm just curious, what my two girls would be worth if I had to sell them.




Edited to say: I forgot to mention, they turned a month on the 11th.

beth wallbank
06-13-03, 04:04 PM
there aren't a whole lot of people that breed the snows, but in the US, depending on Grade of the leo, they sell at approx. $80-150. usd. Your two are little cuties.

06-13-03, 07:15 PM
Hey, I like!!!

06-13-03, 07:20 PM
I dunno prices but I'd pay around $80-100 per gecko. I want one, too bad I'm getting out of leopards. :-\

06-13-03, 07:25 PM
It all depends. I would be wary of labeling them snows unless you produced them from snows or maybe some wild stock. Many times that little white colored leo can grow up to be yellow! Just my two cents worth.


06-13-03, 08:20 PM
Those dont realy look like snows i agree blazin. I think those will grow up to be normals unless you breed them using snows.

06-13-03, 11:04 PM
You're quite possibly right,reptiledud21, they may not be snows. However saying "they don't really look like snows", without giving a valid reason is kind of worthless, don't you think? Unless you see the animal in person, how can you make this statement. I really don't mind hearing everyone's opinion on them as long as you can back it up. The ARE white and black with a greyish tint to the white. I have had 2 other light babies before that had a cream tint to them, one became more of a normal yellow and the other is still a very light, almost white, but not really. lol and they are now adults. These 2, however, aren't from the same parents and don't have the creamie look to them. These 2 come from a het blizzard and a jungle. The jungles father was a snow. But I don't know if the trait is carried. I was once told that it was not a recessive gene and any leos can produce snows. I'm not shy to say, I don't know very much at all about genetics, and frankley I don't care as long as the animal is healthy and beautiful. They very well may not be snows, they just looked it to me from discriptions I have been given right here on the site. It may be something to do with the combination of the two geckos, or it may be a genetic trait passed down from the grandfather, I don't have a clue. Point being, I could be wrong, time will tell. These girls are mine, I just wondered what they would go for. I thought of selling the normal banded one, but if I do it would only be at a later date. Right now I'm just enjoying them all to myself. lol, well, and of course with anyone that wants to see baby pictures. ;)
I also got a jungle from a leucistic x blizzard. Eithor way, I'm happy with them. :)

Thanks for all the replies. :) I can't wait to see what comes out of the incubator next. ;)

06-13-03, 11:33 PM
Hey Deb, why don't you stop on by DragonTank sometime? We all miss you're posts! This is Haley(Angel)by the way. :P

Colonel SB
06-13-03, 11:35 PM
I'd love a snow leo.

06-14-03, 02:35 AM
The parents determine the snows. It isn't a recessive trait, you're right.
Unfortunately, most offspring, especially if they are not from snow parents, will turn yellow. You usually have to hold onto them for some time and you start to see what their color will be like. That's when you set the price. :)

06-14-03, 06:50 AM
We have had MANY geckos hatch white and black here, usually they are smaller, and it was our opinion that the colour just hadnt developed yet. These geckos often grow into reduced patterned adults and have yellow and black markings. It would just take some time to see if yours are going to keep the white colour or colour up over time.

Best of luck with them,


06-14-03, 08:14 AM
Thanks guys. I'll hold on to them and keep you informed. ;)

And how about this one. I had a junlge that was born with spots over it's entire body. Oh, and cute little white finger tips. :) It took about 75 days to hatch out at 78-79 degrees and it came out looking like this.

It's hard to see but it looked like intentations were all the spots were...

and a a week or so later where all the intentations were it had the spots. lol, it also had a smugde look to one spot and that developed into two spots really close together but it still looks smudged. lol, can't wait to see what he looks like as an adult but I also can't believe the number of spots he was born with!

has any one else had any geckos come out of the egg with their spots already? Just curious cuz this was a first for me.

06-14-03, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Dragon_Slave
Hey Deb, why don't you stop on by DragonTank sometime? We all miss you're posts! This is Haley(Angel)by the way. :P

Hey Haley, I visit often, I just dont always log in or post. lol. But I"m watching you. :grab: Heeheeeheeeeheeeheee. lol

06-14-03, 08:42 AM
Hahaha Deb! :lol: Oooh, now I'm scurred, teeheehee.

06-14-03, 06:57 PM
damzookeeper: You incubated your eggs at 78-79°F??? Holy crap thats low!! I thought 82 was the lowest temp you could go! Maybe that explains its' odd look! :P

I like it very much! good luck with it.

06-14-03, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by SnowSnake
damzookeeper: You incubated your eggs at 78-79°F??? Holy crap thats low!! I thought 82 was the lowest temp you could go! Maybe that explains its' odd look! :P

I like it very much! good luck with it.

last year I incubated at 81. I thought I had 3 males, that's why I went lower with the advice of a very good breeder, but it turned out that I only got one male, so now I have brought the temp up to a steady 79.8 and everything seems fine. At these temps it takes about 75 days to hatch.

06-14-03, 07:45 PM
those mite be snow's but you dont realy know until they are full grown i had a clutch hatch out with 2 leo's that were snow's they had white insted of yellow one of them stayed that way the other went a realy bright yellow

06-14-03, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by geckoguy157
those mite be snow's but you dont realy know until they are full grown i had a clutch hatch out with 2 leo's that were snow's they had white insted of yellow one of them stayed that way the other went a realy bright yellow

yup. I know what you mean. I have had a total of 6 hatch out white and black in the last 2 years, but these two have a greyish tint in the white, one more than the other even. The other's before had a cream tint. I will definately hold on to them for a while and see what becomes of them. ;)