View Full Version : Few ?'s (Long)

06-13-03, 02:32 PM
Hey guys, no matter what I do, and no matter how many hides I provide, Sabbra ALWAYS goes uner her towel. I am currently using a towel with paper-towel on top as substrate. When I put her back from handling, She usually just goes in the first hide available. I come back an hour or so later and again, shes under her towel. All temps are fine and I have tissue box hides that seem PERFECT for her size. I would like to switch the substrate to something safe, and easy to clean so she'll stay above the substrate. I dont feed her in her cage so impaction is not an object. Any suggestions?

Another - I heard you can tell if a snakes obese if it has spaces in between its scales. Im not sure if this is true or not, but Sabbra's scales have small spaces between them. Theyre not big at all biut they're not real compact and all. I handle her at LEAST 3 times a week and I do not powerfeed so I dont see why she would be obese. She doesnt come out at night anymore either. The only time she's active is when Im handling her. Ive heard this can be typical, what are your thoughts?

Sorry for the novel of a message, thanks for looking tho. :)

06-14-03, 03:04 PM

06-14-03, 03:45 PM
i'm no expert as am facing probs with my snake too.. but i moved from turf to paper towel to observe the ticks etc. My snake also hides under paper etc but in case of turf, it used to hides underneath the water bowl or in a tight corner.. Python feels safe when its whole body is touching the hide box.. In big hide, it might feel open and feel insecure..

As for obesity, don't overfeed it but don't put it on a diet either as it will harm the metabolism.. Check out "What is wrong with my snake" on amazon.com... It is a nice book.