View Full Version : Career with animals

06-13-03, 01:06 PM
I'm thinking of pursuing a career with animals but I'm red-green color blind and so far with my pets I've had lots of problems with their colors. I was wondering if anyone else here is color-blind but has a career with animals. Is being a bit color blind a huge problem when working in the field? I also seem to have problems identifying and comparing other colours but according to the tests I'm only red-green colour blind.


06-13-03, 04:05 PM
i was colour blind, not sure if i still am, but ive been working with reptiles in the field and in breeding institutions for over 5 years. i was also red / green "blind" but i seem to get most things ok.

06-13-03, 05:14 PM
I am also color blind to red/green. It doesn't mean you cant see any reds or greens (includes oranges as well), however the different shades of the colours are seen differently. I plan on pursuing a career as a vet and I do not think it will affect me?

06-14-03, 07:45 AM
I work as a vet technician and don't happen to know anyone who is color blind. But I can garuntee you that being good with animals and their health care is completely independent of knowing what color they are. It would probably even be a little quirk that some people would think is endearing. Working with animals in most any way is probably the most rewarding job there is, so good luck with whatever you pursue. =)

06-14-03, 09:08 AM
I'm very excited about working with animals. I studied math and computers at University and thought they were both too dry. I decided I'd much rather work with animals. I'll probably go back to university and study biology. In the meantime I'm thinking of working at a petshop if I can find a part-time position.


06-14-03, 12:33 PM
Good luck Martin.