View Full Version : Handling Problems...

06-13-03, 08:38 AM
Yet another Chaos update...although she's eating great, she seems terrified of me. If I even attempt to start the handling process, she scurries behind her huge waterbowl (it's about 10 inches long and wide). It's like she knows I won't lift it because I have to take the top off the cage and she could get out easily and she's FAST.

Also everytime she's shyly peeking out of her favourite hide, if I even slightly move, she runs back into hiding...

It's almost as if she's WC. And I actually don't know if she is or not. Any pointers in handling her? (for those of you who haven't been reading my posts, she's a Ribbon Snake)


06-13-03, 08:49 AM
Well, to start, she's a snake. Snakes don't "enjoy" being picked up by giant predators. It's totally natural for her to flee when she is being chased. Don't worry about that.

As far as taming her, just be patient. Handle her for a few brief moments every day or two. After a while she should become more manageable.

Hope this helped a bit... :)

06-13-03, 09:50 AM
*giggles* I wish I had more mutant snakes like Montey then! lol Montey has ALWAYS loved to be handled, she plays around on my arms and my hair, she is just SUCH a pleasant snake. :)

But yeah, ok, patience and handling, gotcha


06-13-03, 09:57 AM
Yup! :D It sure is nice when a snake WILL behave... :)

06-13-03, 10:38 AM
Uhg Jenn you're describing what I sometimes go through with my garter. I hope things get better for you. With luck, handling it like cranwill described should calm it a bit. My garter is a bit better now, but it does take time.

Good luck!


06-13-03, 10:57 AM
It's not that your other snake "loves" being handled in the literal sense. Its that is has become accustomed to being handled, knows you are nt a predator, and enjoys the heat now.

That's why your little ribbon snake will need the time. :) time to learn you aren't going to eat her and time to realize its o.k. once it awhile to accept being handled. :) it will work out :)

although some snakes, they never get used to it really.


06-13-03, 11:06 AM
My snakes wrestle when I take them out of their tanks, and wrestle when I try to put them back in. I think the inital being picked up out of their environment is what gets mine aroused and fidgity; but then I think they get fidgity because they don't want to go back into their tanks. Sometimes it's jsut a no-win game.

06-14-03, 10:58 PM
Silly snakes. :rolleyes: Always causing trouble, lol. jk

06-15-03, 02:05 PM
Pretty typical ribbon behavior! Just be gentle, patient and persistent, and avoid handling her for a day after she's been fishing so you won't stress her into regurgitating.

It took me about 5 months to get Sascha to tolerate being held.

06-15-03, 02:22 PM
UPDATE: She's tolerating me! lol


06-16-03, 04:01 PM
I've had my little Trinity for 4 months now, and she still does the same thing you described above. Now I just pick her up whether she wants me to or not. Once she's in my hands, she's really good and knows I'm not going to harm her. Some snakes are just a bit more skittish than others I guess... but based on your post above, it looks like progress is being made! Good luck and keep us posted. :)

07-05-03, 08:29 AM
My Bull was the same to begin with. He would hiss & GRUNT at me, so I left him alone for a day or two. Then I had to clean him out, so, it was now or never!!! I took him gently underneath the tail, slowly sliding my hands up his body. He was fine, so I took him right out & he has n't hissed, or grunted at me since. He is more out of his Viv' than he is in it now.