View Full Version : "Countdown to Extinction"

06-12-03, 01:22 PM
I was just watching the WWF "Countdown to Extinction" :( They showed how they slaughter wolves and sea turtles and such. It was absolutely disgusting.

One case, when they banned wolf hunting just outside algonquin park some hunters slaughtered and beheaded one of the tagged wolves, mounted it's head and collar on a wall and said, "Don't Dare US"...

And with the sea turtles, it showed footage of them cutting the shell off a sea turtle while it was living and squirming. It was bleeding all over and no one cared, they were all just gawking.

I am so saddenned and disgusted. I would honestly be a WWF donator if I had the money, but until i get that job, I'm afraid I just get to be one of the people who are royally pissed off at the ignorance of people...


06-12-03, 01:29 PM
That IS disgusting. Don't people have any feelings or concern?! OMG, that is so not cool!! That makes me so mad!

06-12-03, 01:40 PM
There are so many ignorant people in the world.

One day I will smite them all down with my magic wand. :devil:

06-12-03, 02:00 PM
Which is why I feel more and more misanthropic day by day!

Well hopefully Mother Nature will unleash more of her weapons like SARS, AIDS and screw us all over. Then maybe we'll have more respect for her.

06-12-03, 07:30 PM
Yeah I saw something like that not long ago all about Asia and China and how they catch sharks and dolphins. They chop off their fins ( while they are still alive) and throw them back in the water bleeding like hell and suffering. They do this as if it is just a normal thing. Someone needs to teach these countries a lesson on the fact that animals are not infanite in population and that they DO feel pain. These two countries in preticuliar are constantly over-harvesting and leading animlas to their extinction. It makes me VERY mad that they are so inconsiderate.

06-12-03, 07:58 PM
OMG that is disgusting how could anyone do that and not care that pisses me off and now i know why i stoped watching that crap!

06-13-03, 04:03 AM
i agree with daver676 but the magic wand i would use is reloadable...wait no maybe we should cut there arms and legs off and through them in the water and see what they do and how it feels or maybe cut there head off and send it to peoiple who care about them ....man that is worse then WAR atleaset in ware it is affecting humans who have the ability to survive without the threat of extinction...AAARRRRRGGGGGGGGG I AM SOOOO MAD NOW COULD TURN GREEN AND RIP OFF MY SHIRT.....!!!!

06-13-03, 09:35 AM
I have seen how they prepare those turtles for food in wet markets in asia, and it is pretty grotesque. The turtles are still alive when they chop at the plastron with a cleaver... definitely not a sight for the squeamish.

06-13-03, 11:09 AM
We are facing similar problems in the United States southeast with our eastern diamondbacks. The populations are thinning like wild fire, they have all be disappeared from their northern range, but still we have rattlesnake round ups every year. Hundreds are needlessly slaughtered.

06-13-03, 11:15 AM
Serpent Lust "I was just watching the WWF "Countdown to Extinction" They showed how they slaughter wolves and sea turtles and such. It was absolutely disgusting. "

What is the WWF? I don’t mean to be ignorant, but the WWF to me is World Wrestling Federalation.

06-13-03, 11:47 AM
Yes but it also means World Wildlife Funds :)



06-13-03, 11:56 AM
ha! Not all this is only going on in other countries.

Just a few weekends ago we were at the Stoughville (sp) Flea Market, and some people were breaking the necks of various birds right in front of people, not to mention having crates FULL of chickens, pigeons and other birds being abused.


Colonel SB
06-13-03, 12:45 PM
People Fu**in Suck, I can stand people who abuse animals in any way. We need to that to some of them and see how they like it, cut off the fishermans arms and leave them floating, or mount one of those hunters heads on a plack and put "Don't Dare US"

06-13-03, 01:13 PM
I'd prefer mounting his head and putting "Don't F*** With US" lol


06-13-03, 03:19 PM
WWF is world Wildlife Fund....The wrestling lost a cour case and are now WWE, world wrestling entertainment.

red bootz
06-14-03, 09:21 AM
How about the cod fishery on the east coast of Canada? Why aren't there any of the 60 million Bison left on the prairies. What ever happened to natural praries for that matter? I can't agree with what's going on but its nothing new. History is full of examples of people using their environmoent to their advantage. we are the lucky ones. We can sit here and type on the keyboard and criticize all the people in the world for all of the "ignorant" things they do. But we must remember that if it wasn't for hunters, if it wasn't for war, if it wasn't for ignorance, we'd be no better off today than any other third world country. To the people who's livilihood (and survival in some cases) depend on
these types of living, we must show compassion instead of anger. To try and educate and not condescend. If there were only "animal lovers" and the WWF and Peta left, we wouldn't last a week in the Jungle. I guess I could post this in the Rattlesnake round up post, too. By the wat, JeffT, China and Asia are Not countries. Only one is.

06-14-03, 01:53 PM
Actually red bootz here in Alberta the Buffalo ARE making a come back. There are many reserves and parks with wild buffalo in the tens of thousands.