View Full Version : Going away

06-12-03, 12:44 PM
Hi everyone

i was just wondering, what do i do if i had to go out for a few days or even a week. How would i feed it and give it water? Is there some type of food that will i dunno break off as time goes on er something so it can have food everyday?? I have no idea

Thanks in advance

06-12-03, 12:48 PM
You can put mealies in a little bowl, enough for a week. As long as they can't escape, they should be fine. And re-fill the water bowl right before you leave. I have a huge water bowl but after a week, it usually dries completely out. :-\ But if they are adults, they should be fine. In the wild, leopards don't come across water everyday. If they are babies, I don't know... but they should be fine. I've never raised baby leo's though, so I guess you'll have to find out from someone who has, lol.

06-12-03, 01:49 PM
alright thanks for the help

06-12-03, 10:00 PM
i wouldn't leave baby leo's alone, if it's a baby. but an adult should be fine if u give it clean water and feed it before u go.