View Full Version : Wire Mesh

06-11-03, 09:35 PM
What is the best type of wire mesh to use for cages? I was thinking of using screen (like for a screen door), but that's nowhere near heat resistant. Galvanized steel can injure a curious little escape artist. What should I use?

06-11-03, 11:07 PM
crickets easily get through nylon.

06-12-03, 07:45 AM
This is for snakes, not amphibians. I need not worry about crickets.

06-12-03, 05:07 PM
What are you planning on using the wire mesh for? If you are building a cage for a snake, the only place you want to use wire mesh would be for the vents or for some hole in the top to place the heat lamp on. Other wise you want the rest of it solid. So with that in mind, the mesh for screen doors would be OK, because it really doesn't play a role in holding the heat in, just to allow air flow. I am currently using that type of screen over a top hole in my cage just to place the lamp on.

06-13-03, 01:37 PM
Yeah, it would just be for the top of the enclosure for heating and air flow. I was concerned that the screen door mesh would melt under the heat lamp though. You've never had a problem with this happening?

06-13-03, 02:48 PM
Nah, the wire mesh is pretty strong and heat resistant. Don't use nylon though, be sure that it is the aluminum or steel screen door mesh. As long as you use that type of mesh, you should be fine. As far as heating in the cage, I would reccomend using either and RHP or a CHE and use this inside the cage. You can make caging around this so that your snake can't get up on it. Here is a website that tells you how to make the caging. Heat guard (http://www.reptilesdownunder.com/reptile/enclosure/files/lightguard.pdf) I would reccomend that you use the wire mesh just to maybe hold a simple heat lamp and for air flow.

06-13-03, 05:19 PM
Thanks Karot. :)

06-13-03, 05:39 PM
No problem!!

06-13-03, 05:50 PM
ya but the olny problem with wire screen and snakes is if they constantly rub there nose on it trying to get out they can hurt them selfs pretty good with nylon you wont have a problem with that well it will be alot better for that

06-13-03, 05:54 PM
Exactly my point... I need the strength of galvanized steel, but the softness of nylon. I was thinking of maybe getting the wire mesh PVC coated... that might do the trick.