View Full Version : Usumbara
06-11-03, 05:54 PM
I just got an Usumbara last Saturday, I was wondering what I need to know about care. Temps, Humidity, how often to feed, cage size, etc... I just want to be able to care for her the best I can and am looking for everything I can find on her. I know they're suppose to be mean, but I really haven't see it just yet. But I'm sure I will.
Colonel SB
06-11-03, 08:32 PM
Well they can be kept at the same temps as any other tarantulas so just above room temp, they are obligate burrowers so make sure they have some where to hide. The spiders are heavy webbers, as far as feeding goes once or twice a week is fine. For caging I use tupperware for all stages of life. When they are spiderlings they tend not to be to aggressive but with each molt they get more nasty. The scienific name is Pterinochilus murinus "usumara" it is not known right now if it is a full species or just a colour morph of the murinus. They should be kept dry but not still have acess to water at all times. Our adults have gone long periods of time without food or water upto 3 months from time to time the females will close up thier burrows and fast. Sorry it was so long just let me know if ya got anymore questions.
06-12-03, 02:08 PM
Hey no problem, thanks for the information!! I just want to care for all my babies the best that I can!! I'll get some pix as soon as I can.
Kyle Barker
06-13-03, 07:58 PM
I use a peat/coconut husk substrate, with a small potho in it. It makes it way more fun if it can burrow and make a massive web all over the plant, very interesting to watch. As for aggresive, well i disagree. Jumpy/skitish yes. I find that as long as you dont harm it or move fast they are awsome to hold. Just keep everything slow. If you are nice and calm, controlled movements, there is no reason you would get bit.
Pic of a small one, but the big ones are just as nice.
Colonel SB
06-14-03, 02:34 PM
I hate to say this but how many Pterinochiuls murinus have you delt with Kyle? They ARE aggrerssive and you must be carefull, of the hundreds I've bread and delt with only a small number where handleable.
Kyle Barker
06-16-03, 12:51 PM
Your right i have little experience, but all that i have seen/held/owned were not aggresive. Not all were handleable but they weren't rearing up or striking.
Tim and Julie B
06-16-03, 01:20 PM
I wouldn't even attempt that with mine! Some are more aggressive then others though. I have one that is rabid I swear! It is in a different colored container just so I never mix that one up with any of the others. As soon as the lid gets opened a crack it comes out and goes straight at you or tries to escape. Catching an Usumbara at 2 am in your rep. room is not fun! But you can't beat their beauty or the insane webs they weave. All in all they are a great spider if they are in the right type of container. I suggest something that clicks down and secures the lid. Maybe a pad lock or a couple of bricks on top. Maybe I should put it's cage in the middle of a large rubbermaid full of water like a moat or................................................
Damn! I'm surprised you even have it sitting still enough for a shot Kyle!! All the ones I've had were not only mean but DAMN FAST! Almost as fast as some pokes.
Could also be cos most of mine were males. Maybe females are more relaxed. Probably cos they know they're not dying soon!
Colonel SB
06-17-03, 07:20 AM
What I do for security is to drill a hole throuth the lid & container then put a piece of wire though it then tie it so that the cage locks on on each end, mind oyu I have only done this with my more deadly scorps. But it works well.
Kyle Barker
06-17-03, 01:51 PM
Man this is weird. I recently talked with a few breeders from the states, and they said that they have seen very few tame ones as well. So i went to the pet store (they had 2 sub-adults) and asked to hold them, the lady said they were very aggresive. So i said i would like to anyway. Again i had no problems, it was a pussy cat.
When i get some more cash, will someone sell me a very aggresive usumbara. i have to see it.
Colonel SB
06-17-03, 02:50 PM
No probs Kyle I have a 9 inch female who I can introduce you too, she is fun to work with lol especially when she is garding babies.
Kyle Barker
06-21-03, 01:35 AM
Cool, i definatly want to see it. I know i can be hard headed, but some things i just need to be shown :)
Colonel SB
06-21-03, 07:38 AM
It's okay next time I go to the school I'll get some good pics for ya okay.
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