View Full Version : small pics for dialerz(my new cage)

06-11-03, 01:08 PM
This Texas scorpion is rather hard to find info on how to keep it living. I've found tons of ways to kill it, and keep it out of my house. (so)
For the most part I just guessed;
I guessed that it didn't need a water bowl, I guessed that white sand, and a couple rocks would be a good substrate, I also guessed that a plastice plant that used to be with my TIGER SALAMANDER would be good. I think everything worked out in this 5 gallon tank. If you have any questions or comments please give them, also plz include links to care sheets if you know of any....otherwize....

..CHECK....MY NEW PET.... FULL NAME; LAND LOBSTER, but I call him/her LANDO for short.


06-11-03, 01:16 PM
for some reason remote linking the pickz didn't work, so check the link for now I don't have time to mess about fixing it...

Hope you like my new enclosure still. Oh ,the top is just plexi glass with books holding it down, I figuire that will be good to keep heat in (and I have no $$ for a proper top right now)

peace, and thanx in advance for the desired info.

Tim and Julie B
06-11-03, 01:19 PM
Keep a swallow disk with a sponge in it. So you can wet the sponge for it to drink from. Maybe throw a few small rocks or pieces of bark around for more hide spots on the one side as well as a more natural look. Great looking scorp!