View Full Version : few questions

reptile boi
06-10-03, 10:29 PM
I was wonderin what kind of lamp/light would you use for a colombian boa in a 33 gallon tank, and how many watts? Also, does anyone know where to get rheostats, or thermostats in Ottawa? Does home depot sell them? Also, does anyone know if home depot sells ceramic heat emitters?


06-11-03, 12:34 AM
Hey there:

Home depot has the rheostats, ceramic emitters woulsd be pet shows, i think the 10 - 30 watt not sure myself on those i stay away from those myself. I use heat mats from walmart on tupperware cages and radiant heat panels on large cages.

I' m sure someone here will have more information on that.

Good luck,

06-11-03, 07:14 PM
How big is the boa? If it is small enough to fit in a 33 gallon take just keep it in a rubbermaid. Better humidity and a lot easier to clean out.


06-11-03, 07:21 PM
i personally dont use lights i use undertank heaters human heating pads
but thats just me
those bulbs will cost ya a fortune over time

reptile boi
06-11-03, 08:19 PM
Hey all,
The boa is around 5ft long, and the reason why i dont like to use human heat pads is because when i put it on low, the temp is way below what is needed for a boa to stay healthy, and when i put it to medium or high its WAY to hot and 1 heat pad wont be able to heat up a 33 gallon tank.


06-11-03, 08:25 PM
5 feet long and your keeping it in a 33 gallon tank thats a foot deep???? You need a bigger cage man.


06-11-03, 08:28 PM
When mine was 5 foot i had her in a 4 foot long by 2 foot deep cage. With a 100 wat in it. I built in a thermestat so i could gage the heat right and i also sprayed her 2 times a day.


06-11-03, 09:40 PM
I wouldn't use lights to heat a boa cage.

06-11-03, 09:45 PM
Jeff: what woudl you use to heat a 7'+ boa cage??? im curious???


07-03-03, 02:06 PM
hi there i have 2 red tail boas but i dont know if they ture red tails or com red tails how can i tell??

07-03-03, 02:19 PM
a 5 foot boa in a 33g.....
Man... as yankeefox said>>U NEED A BIGGER ENCLOSURE!

Go with a 4 by 2 by 2 Its big enough for a full grown adult to..
I am going to use some heat pads(more than 1) n a florsent fixture.