View Full Version : I caught a king today, something is wrong

Chris Steele
06-10-03, 11:34 AM
It is small, but it has little bumps on its skin. Maybe 2 or 3 spread out accross its body. I dont know what it is.

06-10-03, 11:57 AM
pictures help

Chris Steele
06-10-03, 12:16 PM
I dont have a digital cam...I can only describe

06-10-03, 01:22 PM
let it go.

If you cannot afford to take it to a vet and have it treated, release it back into the wild and let nature take its course.

Chris Steele
06-10-03, 01:24 PM
I just went down and looked at it today. It has shed. The bumps are gone...how are they gone? Will they come back?

06-10-03, 02:10 PM
are you planning on keeping this snake?

Chris Steele
06-10-03, 02:11 PM
I would like to, how much would it cost to have it treated at the vet?

06-10-03, 02:21 PM
over 100$. well in canada it would. it probably has worms.

Chris Steele
06-10-03, 02:23 PM
worms make it have bumps on its side? why did the bumps go away when it shedded?

06-10-03, 02:27 PM
The worms live within the first layers of skin they went awya becuase it shed its skin.

Chris Steele
06-10-03, 04:23 PM
So are they going to come back again...or is it healthy now???

06-10-03, 04:29 PM
Chris, please don't take Cyberghosts advice to heart. There are NO worms that "go away with shedding" period.

Everyone was talking most likely about internal parasites. When you catch a wild snake, they almost 100% of the time have parasites. A fecal brought to a local vet may very well be less than 20-30 bucks, meds a bit more. You can bring the fecal first, and come back with the snake for the results and they can show you how to administer and meds needed at that time.

The lumps are not worms that have gone away with shedding. External parasites are ticks, and mites. You would clearly know what those look like. They could be anything. It could have been dry skin built up, could be something more serious. That is why everyone is recommending a full vet visit. It should in total be around 100 or less if its not something serious, and that includes a fecal and normally any meds he will need.

But like Matt said, the best bet would be to release him. If you must keep him, then he must go to a vet, like all wild caught snakes. :) Good luck!


06-10-03, 05:01 PM
I thought they might be ring worms, which would go away if he shedded. I didt say anything definatlry so dont get all iffy, I think your still madd about the post I made earleir. I sware get over it, chris I dont know for sure but I would take her advice take the snake to the vet.

06-10-03, 05:06 PM
Ringworms aren't even worms, they are fungi! They are called "ringworms" because they grow in the shape of a thin ring. geez. btw Cyber Ghost, you said to marisa you didn't say anything definate, but you did in fact write in a definite, assured way. If it is only a theory, it helps if you say so, like "Well, it might be..." and not "it is...". :)

Chris... either bring it to the vet or release it. Kings can be found everywhere in captivity, so there is no sense taking it out of the wild. If you do vet it, IMO you should let it go after.


06-10-03, 05:27 PM
Like snake king said....release him, let nature have its course.

06-10-03, 05:32 PM
No, I wouldn't pretend your advice was good, so it has nothing to do with being "mad" or whatever else you are imagining. Your advice was wrong. Plain and simple.

Zoe said it best.

And I agree. Vet or release. :)


Simon R. Sansom
06-10-03, 09:51 PM
There ARE certain types of worms (nematodes, for example) which live subcutaneously (under the skin). But not being able to see the actual manifestation, it's pretty much impossible to venture any kind of diagnosis or recommend possible treatment.



06-10-03, 10:07 PM
I would not bring it to the vet.. I would simply release it.. There is no sound reason not too..

You really want a kingsnake.. go buy a CB wich is probably like 40$ in the US.. and trust me .. it will be SOOO much cheaper in the long run .. Just my opinion..

Chris Steele
06-11-03, 07:00 AM
Thanks for all the help, I will be releasing him today back where I caught him.