View Full Version : someone help me make an incubator ... or trace, you wanna incubate my eggs for me?

06-10-03, 06:17 AM
the cormeros i bought were gravid at the time and both already layed - now i have given 4 eggs to the other lady with them, but since then she has not returned my calls, so i think she is just keeping hem - if someone wants to tell me how to, or if trace, you wanna incubate them for me and we can cut some sort of deal, let me know

06-10-03, 07:03 AM
Click on the photo icon next to my name and look at my gallery. There are step by step photos showing how to build one.

06-10-03, 07:59 AM
my parents dont wanna incubate after all :( - they are alredy complaining about the electricity bill for the cages as it is :jawdrop:
oh well, they wont be happy about the red eye tree frog i am buying in the next few eeeks! LMAO!

oh, trace - can i have ur email addy - i want to keep in touch with you

Jason - razior_@hotmail.com

06-10-03, 08:03 AM
my parents dont wanna incubate after all

EEEP! Well we can't have that!!!

Check your PM's for my contact information!


06-10-03, 09:17 AM
Hey again Jason!

I know at this point we have already discussed incubation methods etc on MSN, but I'm going to post here anyways, in case you or others are interested in reading about it.

You really don't need an incubator to hatch those eggs. Mix up vermiculite and water with a 1:1 weight ratio and put that into a small rubbermaid container with some holes drilled in the sides. Remove the eggs CAREFULLY from the soil, making sure you don't rotate them. Place the eggs into small dents in the vermiculite, burying them about half way. Put the top on the rubbermaid and place that into a dark closet. Incubation on F. cephalolepis eggs is anywhere from 250-320 days at temperatures of 78-82F.

LOL! That's a LONG time, you are certainly going to learn the art of patience waiting for those guys to hatch!

Good luck! Keep in touch.


06-10-03, 02:36 PM

thanks again - i was really hoping that i could find someone like you in ottawa - most poeple know nothing LOL
anyways - i think there are 4 eggs that are good ... maybe 3 and yes, patience is good - :)