View Full Version : Greek Tortoises?

06-09-03, 08:22 PM
I know the basic care of keeping these but as far as housing goes, can someone please tell me how to house them indoors? Please be as percise as possible! Thanks guys, you rock!

Turtle Matt
06-10-03, 07:33 AM
How I would set it up is in at least a 2 foot by 3 foot plywood pen with 8" walls or so...Give it a nice warm basking light at one end and UV light as well. I'd set it up on sand and soil mixed together and have a water dish and a place to hide.

Tim and Julie B
06-10-03, 03:59 PM
When they are small you can keep then in a large rubbermaid. Like a 80 gal one. Matt described a good set up. But they are little terrors that will move everything around, dump dishes and move substratt back 7 forth. So don't expect to keep them in a fancy set up because it will take it less then a day to completely redecorate it.

07-08-03, 09:07 AM
There is something called a Turtle Table. It's the ideal indoor enclosure for tortoises. http://www.chelonia.org/ has great information on Golden Greeks (and other torts and turts) and on turtle tables. Look around, there should be a link to a page that explains how to build one. I don't remember the site, or I'd include a link here. :)

07-08-03, 04:35 PM
My friend's Greek adores a nice big pile of timothy hay for burrowing and nibbling. He keeps her in a fiberglass pond liner, 6x6x3 feet with a mix of bed a beast and sand as the primary substrate.