View Full Version : Uromastyx hardwicki

06-24-02, 06:43 PM
A whilte ago I managed to obtain one of these little Uros.

I'm quite interested in breeding them in the future, but I can find precious little information about them. Mine is about 7" and growing like a weed, but I have no idea of age.

About the only thing I've heard is that they are difficult to sex.
Other then that, should I assume that published breeding information pertaining to other species is similar?

06-24-02, 07:12 PM
Try this link..http://members.aol.com/randygray1/,
I dont know if this helps at all ,hope it helps a little.


06-24-02, 07:27 PM
sorry..try this... http://members.aol.com/randygray1/


06-25-02, 12:36 PM
I haven't seen that one, but I'm already familiar with Uro care and have read a huge amount on breeding them. I'm just hoping anyone with U. hardwicki can offer some input in regards to sexing/breeding that particular species. Most Uro links have next to nothing about them...they just mention them as a species. Information is conflicting too. I've read sources that say they get to only 10", and others that say 18"!! And of course, everything in between...

07-13-02, 03:08 PM
i have a great page on uros www.reptileallstorts.com/uromas-cs.htm