06-09-03, 03:15 PM
I have aquired two Bufo toads or cane toads and two leopard frogs. THeres only one problem I dont know how to care for them. I have searched the net with no results on the proper enslosure and such forth things about them. All four are currenty in a 10 gallon aquarium. I want to use Rbs as these are terestial animals. So I need to know what kind of subsrate to use and what kind of setup and the basic care of both species. PLease help me if you can post some pix.
Phil Beaudoin
06-10-03, 10:30 PM
For the Cane toads, the rubbermaids are a solid choice, go with a high humidity, as well, temps ranging around 80-85 during the day, with a drop to room temp (within reason of course) at night. For the substrate, products like bed a beast or other coconut based stuff works fine, or almost any type of dirt, however, avoid dirt that is very fine as it gets quite messy. Sphagnum moss is also good. Some half submerged flower containers work pretty stellar for these guys, as well, anything that forms a cavern in which they can reside comfortably. They also fare well with a high point in the cage which allows them to survey their surroundings thus leading to a a quicker consumption of prey. As they get more bolder with time---this tends to be a hangout of choice. Prey can be anything, many species of inverts work great, of course though, avoid those that are poisonous, appropriate size mice work good also, however, the smaller the better for obvious reasons. When feeding things like worms or just about anything, it would be smart to put them in a container of appropriate size which allows the toads to view their food, while preventing the prey from escaping and taking residents in the enclosure. Most toads will take food this way, however, whatch for those that are more bold than others. Id go with a 30gal+ setup for these guys.
Althought their do exist various species of leopard frogs which inhabit a few habitats and climats, a good chocie for an enclosure would be a 20gal+ tank (rubber maid or aqua) for the 2, with sphgnum moss as the substrate as this will avoid dirtying the water bowl of appropriate size that should be provided. However, bedabeast and all that will work fine also. Give some hidding places like mentioned above and perhaps some means of allowing them to sit in their water area while being consealed and going into a stress free stealth mode that is a comfortable way for them to spend time. Food is anything reasonable, like mentioned above, with the same techniques of feeding, while minding that they can be less bold than the cane toads, so a food dish at ground level would be a bit better, although this might not be their thing and free range prey will be the best choice. Temps could be around 70-75, with a drop to room temp at night without any problems. Humidity can be fairly high.
Bare in mind that these are two separte setups i described and that mixing cane toads and leopard frogs can be risky buisness with the, I'm assuming, size difference that is or will be present. As well, the numurous types of chemicals produced on the skin of the cane toads are quite toxic and have been found to be irritating to most things.
As a methode of heating, you can go with heat pads, or lights, whatever you prefer and gets the job done, minding the heat that can be emmited by lights which can melt plastic and break glass.
Ventilation is also necessary
I guess that would be all you need to know. Any problems with what I said or if I did not mention enough can be fielded for ya. Sorry for any gramatical errors, I have a stiff keyboard.
--------------------------------Phil Beaudoin
06-15-03, 09:14 PM
Thanx alot but when I was setting up I put them in a 10 gl outside to sit in an dwhen I cam back they had all escaped except one leo. How depresing O-well I just hope nothing gets hold on the toadss their toxins could be dangerous. I'm a little worried a kid might have stole them, but if so I sure hope he carefull the toxin could kill him. I will get more though I like them their craoking is very enjoyable!!!
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