View Full Version : Dried Scales

06-08-03, 09:24 PM
I recently aquired a BP that wasn't in the best condition, but i've brought him back to health.

But he still has shrivelled up scales on the tip of his nose, and on his head. They've stayed with him the last 4 sheds even though his head is shedding cleanly. Does anyone know what causes this and how it can be corrected?

All of the temps are fine and he's got plenty of room to move in a 66g aquarium.


06-09-03, 08:41 AM
Do you have any pics? What is the humidity like in the aquarium? IF the humidity is fine, another possibility is that the damage was so severe it may take a little longer to outgrow it. If an animal is kept at excessively low humidity for a length of time this can occur and take a while to clear up. If its just low humidity, then all you need to do is increase it. I received a perfectly healthy snake (that had no history of ill care), that for reasons unknown to anyone, had dented eyecaps, it took about a year, but eventually they just disappeared. There was no explanation for that case.