View Full Version : 2bp's sleeping

06-24-02, 11:26 AM
it's been almost a year since i got my first snake,the second one was given to me cos my buddy was scared of it(and it was only a lil over 18 "s at the time)mine is just over 3ft now and they both sleep 2gether should i worry cos i still don't know their sexes.i'm not interested in breeding yet and from what i read if the female is to small to breed it could kill her.So my questions are 1-should i worry 2-what's the best way to find out male/female?and can i do it myself.also a feeding question do i HAVE TO separate them when feeding?

06-24-02, 11:56 AM
if you insist on housing them together yes for sure seperate for feeding, but honestly you should house them seperately you just got the smaller one it could have some sort of parasite and also it maby rare that it happens but ,there have been incidents where ball pythons have consumed another....IMO you should always house snakes seperatly
Joe & Melissa

06-24-02, 12:24 PM
actually they have been together for a while now,the second snake"noodles"was bought at the same rep store and was given to me day's after i bought mine,but if you honestly think i should sepatate them i'll have to consider that and make some arrangments.thanx