View Full Version : shedding problems....doh.....

06-08-03, 09:53 AM
ive had a pretty bad week.... super stressed out with college, fish dying...loads of other crap.... so i feel really crappy and foolish to say this but ive kinda "neglected" (in a fairly minor way) my corn this week..... i havent handled him all week so i didnt notice he was going to shed. usually when i notice he wil shed soon i put a water bowl underneath the lamp to raise the humidity, and hes had great sheds for as long as ive had him. its also been really hot and dry outside anyway....
this time he has a couple of little dry patches on him, im getting him a humid hide and ive soaked him a little.....
and i was wondering if it will do any damage at all??
i feel really bad, any help is appreciated greatly!

06-08-03, 10:02 AM
it shouldn't.. as far as i know.. maybe i am wrong.. just make sure his eyecaps at least shed off.. my ball python had a couple patchy sheds since i've had him and he's fine.. its just those rare times his humidity isn't great for me.. :/

06-08-03, 10:26 AM
i was kinda worried that it may make him look a big manky for a few sheds or something?? i reckon im just over reacting......

Gregg M
06-08-03, 10:31 AM
It will be fine....... Try misting it every few days.......

Colonel SB
06-08-03, 10:33 AM
He'll be fine one bad shed won't kill him and if ya give him a good soak the stuck on bit will come off. No biggie we've all done it at one point or another.

06-08-03, 12:03 PM
he hasnt actually shed yet, hes in the blue eyed phase....he just has some nasty wrinkly crispy parts......

06-08-03, 07:51 PM
Just raise the humidity a lot to help it. Should be fine.

06-08-03, 07:57 PM
Yup its all about the humidity when it comes to a good shed, if its flaky the humidity is to low.
