View Full Version : New Snake

Colonel SB
06-07-03, 05:33 PM
I got a new snake today whoo hoo you guys all know that feeling. I picked up a male nelson's milk today, he's my first tri-colour :D I know it's so wierd but mostly in the past I've kept boids. Oh well I'll post picks when I take some.

06-07-03, 11:04 PM
cool i like tri color snakes and snakes with speckles anmd snakes with stripes hell i like all snakes

06-08-03, 12:46 AM
That pretty much sums it up garterguy! lol!

06-08-03, 03:56 AM
Congrats Colonel and you got that right Vanan, I just picked up a chocolate phase banded cal king. I got this guy for a song, when they drastically reduced it. It apparently was biting EVERYBODY and had become unsaleable. I told them them that it hadn't bit me and that I WANTED to check it out. Their jaws dropped, literally, when I took him out and he sucked up to me...guess I got the knack..pics to follow shortly...;) A Nelsons is definitely on the list if I can find one at a reasonable price, but I'm gonna have to build a rack system first, getting a little full around here..19 and counting..:)