View Full Version : Lost Leo....I can really use some help!

06-07-03, 09:55 AM
Ok well its 9:00am now, I was handeling her around 8:00pm yesteday. She is extremely pregnant and going to lay in about one or two days. I got up to check if she had layed and boom, shes gone. There was a large piece of wood i put on the top side corner to plug a hole and somehow she pushed it up and escaped. Anybody have an idea where I can find her? Will she mainly just stick to the walls and look for the nearest openings and places to hide??


06-07-03, 11:33 AM
Oh Boy! What a situation... if I were you, I would tear up everything until I find her. If she drops those eggs before you find her they might not make it. I would tell you to use the 'bug in a cage' trick but she probably won't feel like eating. The only thing I can say is good luck, I hope you find her safe, sound and gravid!

06-07-03, 11:49 AM
put a uth on the ground with a towel and hide on it under something in the room
maybe even put a laybox on the uth as well
doesnt hurt to try

06-07-03, 05:59 PM
No more worries! I found her under a shelf!


06-07-03, 08:40 PM
Is she gravid still?