View Full Version : Ok witch Geko is Best

Bearded AL
06-06-03, 04:20 PM
Ok I put my last post in the leo forum when I should have put it in here and I should have worded it differently,sorry. So here is my question I know I want to get geckos but which should I get ?I have heard that leos are good hardy gekos and pictus (I think that is right ) are kinda kool also so I would like some pros and cons from people that know ok thanx AL

06-06-03, 07:01 PM
knob tail gecko is so far the coolest gecko i see!:D

06-06-03, 08:44 PM
Totally agree with you there, KNOBTAILS are the best geckos!!!:D

Colonel SB
06-06-03, 08:53 PM
I can't dissagree with the coolness of knob tails they tend to be a bit pricey. I would go for a Leopard Gecko, African Fat Tail or a Pictus Gecko.

06-07-03, 08:30 AM
i am partial to tokays for some reason.they look awesome and are active but are very aggressive

06-07-03, 08:35 AM
Leos/Cresties are neat.

06-07-03, 09:07 AM
I strongly recommend leos. They're hardy and easy to take care of and unless you want a very fancy leo they're really cheap. I also agree knobtails are cool but as the colonel says they're pricey and I don't think it's worth it. I've never owned a knobtail though, I just think they look cool.


Colonel SB
06-07-03, 10:33 AM
Tokays are very agressive but if you don't mind a look but don't trouch gecko then get on, I have 6 right now.

06-08-03, 04:27 PM
I would have to go with either Tokays, leo or bananas, very pretty geckos. Tokay's are handleable, just beware the bite, But it don't hurt too bad!!

06-08-03, 04:40 PM
WOO! Fat-tails!

I worked with african fat-tailed geckos for a few years and they were AMAZING to work with. Great experience, I'd recommend them to anyone.

06-17-03, 07:04 PM
I have three leopard geckos now and i have to say they are all great. They get along well when i put them together and are not territorial at all so if you wanna get more than one you dont have to worry...just dont get 2 males...other than that they are very handelable and good looking lizards that come in a huge assortment of colors. I dont know much about fat tails but my friend has 2 and he loves them. They are cool with those big beety black eyes :) good luck

06-17-03, 07:58 PM
I would say cresties or leaf-tail they are both cool looking

06-17-03, 08:01 PM
leos are very hardy and have a lot of personality, so i think they are the best. unless u want something different.

06-17-03, 08:14 PM
Yellow Ackies!!! no, they're a Varanid. They are too pricey for me right now though. But I would have to say NEW CALADONIAN GIANT GECKOS all the way woo hoo.

Bearded AL
06-17-03, 08:35 PM
Hey Jeff do you have a pic of them?

06-17-03, 08:37 PM
i dont have any geckos yet, (i will though when i go to the show on the 6th though) and i would have to say satanic leafs have got to be the sickest geckos i have ever seen. however the price tag made my head do a 360. so i think i will try and get a cheaper leaf gecko.

06-17-03, 11:08 PM
well I dont own any yet, mainly because I can't fork up about $1000 per animal, but I would love some i the future. I think they get something like 2 feet long!


06-17-03, 11:43 PM
Two feet in length?

The largest living gecko species in the world, Rhacodactylus leachianus grows to approximately 28cm in length. The largest gecko on record (presumed extinct), Hoplodactylus delcourti, only grew to 37cm.

U. phantasticus (the satanic leaf tailed gecko) only grows to about 12-15cm in length and is the smallest gecko of its genus.

06-17-03, 11:46 PM
Ah, I apologize. I thought you were talking about the satanic leaf tailed gecko.

But apparently the New Caledonia giant gecko still doesn't get to over two feet.

Silly me.