View Full Version : bamboo?

06-05-03, 11:34 PM
I was just wondering if anyone has ever used (or heard of someone using) bamboo sticks as climbing branches in an enclosure? I haven't managed to find any branches yet for my new crested tank, but they do have bundles of bamboo sticks at the craft store that I was thinking of getting and using. My parents do have some branches in the backyard from one of the oak trees, but they're covered in bark and seem like they'd be quite difficult to clean/disinfect well enough for me to feel comfortable using them... What do you guys think?

06-06-03, 01:14 AM
You can use bamboo Jen. It'll be fine. But remember the branches in my old Jungle cages? Those were Arbutus. They are illegal to cut down, but you can find dead branches on the ground in most forests in Vic. They would work like a charm, and be completely non-toxic!

06-06-03, 08:39 AM
Ahhh... arubutus, yeah :) I'll see if I can take a quick scrounge through the forest/park near my parents place... and if not, I'll use the bamboo probably... thanks Jeff! :D

06-06-03, 12:50 PM
i use bamboo in many of my tanks. i buy 10 foot long pieces at white rose for $2 and cut them down and disinfect them. it will look good