View Full Version : Yellow Ackies

06-05-03, 09:06 PM
I am very interested in keeping yellow ackies. I just have a few questions for anyone here who owns them. How big a cage do you need? I have looked all over and cant find any information on them. I read they need a 70 gallon, is that acurate?

Thanks for taking a look,

PS: if you have pics of your ackies or their cage can you please post them :) :)

06-11-03, 06:36 AM
Hello Jeff,
It doesn't look like you are getting much assitance in your search.
Yellow Spiny-tails are an excellent choice for a captive monitor. They interact well with people, stay relatively small (which makes housing much easier than a Sav) and NEVER bite. I house adult pairs or trios in enclosures measuring roughly 4'L x 2'W x 2'D. I really don't like using aquariums for Varanids, though I do use aquariums for babies. I find aquariums add more negative to the equasion and it only makes thing more difficult for the monitor(s).

For a good source of information, I strongly urge you to read the captive care article, <a href="http://www.varanus.net/faq/">HERE</a>.

As for pictures, you will find many in the gallery on my website.

Best wishes,