View Full Version : all rubbermaids????

06-05-03, 07:04 PM
I would like to keep all my snakes in rubbermaids for now on. the only thing im worried about are my BCI's and my hognose. Here are the reasons. My hognose like all of them loves to burrow and i would not want him to get to close to the heat pad and get burend. Also i am concerned about the humidity levels with him in a rubbermaid. With my BCI's im not to concerned about humidity but about the proper size to keep them in. Betty is about 7 feed long and dexter is just a baby. I dont know if it is posible for them to live a good live in a rubbermaid and i want them to have the proper enclosers. If anyone can help me out with this it would be a HUGE help. The reasons i want to use them is to cut down on my electricity bill and save space. But the snakes always come first if this is not going to work out i will keep them in the enclosuers they have. Thanks and i hope to hear from some of you!!!

Lucas out

06-05-03, 07:07 PM

As for the BCIs, it's fine but you need huge rubbermaids. If you can find one big enough, go for it.

As for the hognose, you can easily control humidity in a rubbermaid. Spray more often when the humidity is too low, or less often when its too high. Put the heatpad under the rubbermaid and make sure it isnt too hot right above it.

BTW - rubbermaids won't really save you THAT much space, because you need reasonably sized rubbermaids.


06-05-03, 08:01 PM
There isn't a rubbermaid in the world big enough to hold a bci for its whole life. As for the hognose I don't know much about them. I have my bci in a 72x28x18 " enclosure and I still think thats to small. The largest clear rubbermaid doesn't go that much above 30 gallons. If you have a bci think about another way to house them.

06-05-03, 08:51 PM
Well as it is now my 7 footer is in a 4'x2'x3' and she is gettin a little to big for it i may just have to build another........

06-05-03, 09:19 PM
Your heat source should never be allowed to get hot enough to burn your herp. It should be controlled, your snake should be able to make contact without worries of overheating or getting burned. This goes for any enclosure.

I'm on a supertight budget right now, and am in the midst of building 5 enclosures... four 4x2x1 enclosures and one 3x2x1 enclosure. I'm not done them yet, but should be done soon enough and will put up a post. I can say that the wood alone cost me a mere $60 :D

06-06-03, 07:41 AM
Tanks linds, i know this, that is why i have yet to put my hog in a rubbermaid, My intention of posting my worries on that matter were to see if there are any alternatives to putting the heat pad directly under the enclosure. I was thikning i could put heat tape on the side where he could not come into direct contact with it. As i said before im not going to take any risks.

Linds: I would love to see your new enclosures when you are done with them!!

Lucas out

06-06-03, 08:20 AM
You can place a heating pad or heat tape directly under any rubbermaid, the thing is like Linds said, you need a rheostat or a thermastat to control the heating source itself. :) Even if it was placed on the side, the heat would still be coming out uncontrolled and if a short happens you have a bad situation on your hands. I believe they are fairly easy to hook up with parts from Home Depot, although I bought mine already made at PCPC.


06-06-03, 03:01 PM
I do have thermastats in the rubbermaids i do have. The only thing im worried about is my other snakes stay above the papertowels and the substrate and my hog wont. Is this ok? I like to keep him around 82 on the hot side and about 75-77 on the cool side. Thanks for the information, im glad you show concern for my animals. i stated my question wrong and i should have included all the information on my snakes and their enclosures.

Lucas out

06-08-03, 12:56 AM
what's the larget rubbermaid sold? i can't find any larger than 2 feet

06-08-03, 01:45 AM
Yea me either. Im gunna have to hold my BCI's in custom made cages. Oh well il good with that. just hard to keep the humidity in them.


06-08-03, 11:54 AM
Fors any snake over 8ft I think they should have their own room as an enclosure becuase with almost anything you could buy or build would be to small for their enjoyment if you can just get them their own room. Or build a walk in enclosure, as I understand you may not have a spare room in your house. But I've heard of people clearing out closets and putting their herps in there escpeccialy abrourul species!!!

06-08-03, 11:59 AM
i have a BP and i still cant find one big enough. i remember someone saying that they kept their burm in a rubbermaid.

06-08-03, 12:44 PM
My experiences with Rubbermaids is that they hold humidity very well. I had to add more holes because it was getting to humid in the Rubbermaid. Its sad if someone kept a burm in a rubbermaid.

06-08-03, 01:26 PM
dont worry it was a young one. dont be sadddd :D

06-08-03, 01:49 PM
Cyberghost: An 8 foot snakes hardly needs its own room. Shurly i will not keep one that big a rubbermaid. As i would not keep betty in a rubbermaid. It would not be to hard to build a big enough elclosure for her. As i said before i can build the enclosure, my only proplem is the humidity.


06-08-03, 02:02 PM
Yah, okay then think of the snake it may be only 8ft but your probly arounf six ft how would you like it if your how was only six ft think about. Besides she will get to be 20ft or more then what will you do just get her a big enclosure now that way you dont have to constantly buy a new one. Personaly I dont like the fact of such big snake being kept in enclosures only as big as they are true they may be able to fit int hem becuase of their flexibility factor but do you honestly think they like it? Were the one thta plucked them form their natutral habittats[by we I meen humans] we should at least give them comfortable living quarters.

06-08-03, 02:08 PM
Cyberghost: HEH First of all i have never head of a BCI gettin 20 feet long lol. Secound of all she is only about 6.5 feet long. Read the whole thread before you post advice please. Its not had look at my signiture and find out that i have no large boids. Thank you.


06-09-03, 01:33 PM
I read the whole post and I'm sorry I thought we were talking about a Burm and I'm sorry for posting what I said here but I stil mean what I said big snakes deserve big room. Again sorry for saying what I said here.

06-11-03, 07:23 PM
I found some rubbermaids at the local walmart that are 3 and a half feet long, and almost 2 feet deep. I would have picked a couple up myself, but the bottoms on the inside were not flat, and there was some pieces of plastic sticking up in the corners that I dont think my bci's would have found very comfy. I am going to keep looking, and if I find something. I will post it.

06-11-03, 07:26 PM
Wow i thought this thread was over... Well i dont think that would be big enough for my big girl. She is happy in her big custom cage. But if i ever do see them im goin for it!!! thats means i can raise my little BCI in them for longer than i thought!!
