View Full Version : Clutch one hatched. Pleasant suprises!!

Victor Freeman
06-23-02, 05:19 PM
Father: Ghost het amel
<Img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/ghostbox.jpg">
Mother: candycane het ghost.
<Img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/bimbofull.jpg">

Origionally I thought she was only het anery, but then I hatched a dark blue eyed "snow".
<Img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/ghosthatch.jpg">
Found out for sure today when I found a snow and a hypo in the clutch. Right now it looks like I have 3 amels, 2 ghosts, a snow, a hypo and an anery. + one egg that hasnt piped yet. 2 of the amels havnt fully emerged yet, but Im going to have to see if their real amels or amel/hypo/anery's.

<Img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/clutch1.jpg">

In the next few days I will post whats avaiable int he classified section. Im not yet sure what Im keeping form this. She hasn't ovulated again yet so I might not have another clutch form her till next year.

The Miami's are due in 3 days, and then the Sunglows clutch is due on the 5th.

06-23-02, 06:58 PM
Tons of different kinds!! That's crazy. I remember when there were only amels and aneryths and snows and that was it!! Good stuff!

06-23-02, 11:53 PM
Are you selling any of those?

Good Job on the hatchlings!

Victor Freeman
06-24-02, 09:14 AM
Im going to take one or so for my self but the rest are being sold.

06-24-02, 04:41 PM
How much are you asking for a ghost and the middle one in the picture above?

06-24-02, 10:28 PM
How much are you going to ask for the darker phased one's pm me and let me know.

Victor Freeman
06-25-02, 02:48 PM
Im going to hold back one of the ghosts and a hypo, the other ghost is going to a friend. The anery is going for $40, amels $30, and the snow $50. Miamis should be out tomorow.

06-27-02, 09:03 AM
Victor I pm you
please reply me when you came