View Full Version : Tank Size

06-05-03, 03:58 PM
Would a 20 Gal Tank be large enough to house a Beardie? I can get one cheap from a pet store that's going out of business, then tank that is and i've always wanted a beardie, so is that a good size or too small or too big? thank you.

06-05-03, 04:04 PM
20 gallon is much too small for a bearded dragon. They need around 4 square feet of floor space, and the width should be about 24 inches so they're tails arent cramped and twisted all the time.

06-05-03, 04:12 PM
Hi Randolph,

are you from Aurora ON if so,
what pet store is going out of business I need some stuff.

PM me if you want,


06-05-03, 08:02 PM
I think you should do much more research before buying a beardie they arent terrably difficult to take care of but without the right supplys it's only going to die.

06-05-03, 08:20 PM
I would say a fifty Galleon would be minimum for one (3x2x2 i think).

06-05-03, 09:53 PM
If this standard tank size chart is right in your area the smallest tank that gives the proper width is 120 gallons! Fishtanks are not the best homes for reptiles. For the cost of a tank that size you can hire a contractor to make a custom enclosure that is far more suitable.


06-09-03, 06:52 PM
Hey there,
I have a 7 month old dragon, he's 16 inches. He has a 50 gallon terrarium, which is the minimum for 1 dragon. If you are getting a hatchling, you can use a 20 gallon, but lemme tell ya, dragons grow fast... so in a few months, you'd need to upgrade to a much bigger cage! Please, do yourself a favor and do some beardie research... they deserve to have the best homes that they can, they are very loving creatures. :D A good forum to visit is http://www.dragontank.com. There, you can ask any questions you want. Also, if you have any other questions. Feel free to contact me... my email is dragonfreak7189@hotmail.com and my AIM is wildmustang1486

Hope to hear from you! :D

06-12-03, 09:14 AM
isnt a twenty long big enough???? u said u need at least 24 feet and its 30 feet.

Colonel SB
06-12-03, 11:48 AM
24 feet that more then enough. Hell you can house 3 adult retics in a cage that big.

06-12-03, 11:55 AM
sorry i meant 24 inches...lol and the tank 30 inches...lol

06-12-03, 12:40 PM
No, a twenty gallon is NOT big enough. You need AT LEAST 24 inches WIDE for the cage but 36+ inches LONG and around 18 inches TALL. Hope this helps. Remember, the bigger the better.

06-14-03, 03:38 PM
Hello, can I throw in my 2 cents on this?
I have an adult male that is 21 inches and I had him in a 40 breeder which was 36x18x17. He got too couped up in that and started spending a lot of time standing in a corner trying to climb out so we upgraded him to a 6 ft long tank and now he is very happy and runs around and never tries to climb out.
In my opinion and from my own experience a 50 gal might very well be big enough for one dragon, depending on your dragon and how much you can take him out to run around. but I wouldn't count on it and if you can get a bigger one then I would definately do it, rather than buy a 50 gal and 6 mths later buy another bigger one like I did.
A 20 gal tank is absolutely too small for and adult beardie. It would be ok for a hatchling for short while.

06-14-03, 05:57 PM
I totally agree Newman... :)