View Full Version : what substrate

06-04-03, 10:53 AM
What subsrate should I use for my new BPs. I dont want newspaper but I do wnat something cheap. Something that looks nice to so what should I get? I dont wnat any type of carpets.

06-04-03, 11:11 AM
If you are looking for a substrate and not a paper towl type bottom, I would recommend coconut fiber bedding. This is made by both T-Rex and Zoomed, T-Rex' product is Eco-Earth and I forgot Zoomeds off hand. I would recommend this because it is digestable in the stomaches of your snake to decrease the likliness of an impaction. Make sure it is the coconut fibers and not the husk / chunks. Also do not mistake coco for coconut, I do believe coco substrate is from coco beans, and I am not aware of how safe this product is. I also forgot to mention you can get ecoearth for like 15 bucks for 3 big blocks, making 7-8 litres of substrate! It is definitely a steal! If you live in the GTA, go to Port Credit Pet Center, they carry it ;) (Grant if you read this that is brownie marks right there :D)