View Full Version : Responce to TK2 (if you ever whant to breed Varanids read this!
Steeve B
06-03-03, 06:59 PM
Tim and Julie B
06-03-03, 08:45 PM
Thanks for the advice Steve. I copied it for my notes. I had no idea you have been keeping them for fifteen years! So you are obviously the fonding father of Jobiensis. Quite an accomplishment. By far my favorite as well! You see one and you are hooked.
I think the pic summed up the whole thread perfectly!!!:D Tim
Thanks Steve for the info, and will search for prior posts.
I am breeding Flavirufus and haven't had a problem with basking (that I know of) while breeding but it is only the second breeding so I am new to this. It was the first clutch for the female last time and 4 of six eggs were good.
Both male and female usually bask at much higher temps than 37.5 c . - 100- 150f . Wouldn't this affect the sperm in the male prior to breeding then ? If so do you adjust temps and basking for the males prior to breeding ?
Thanks again for the reply and info.
Steeve B
06-04-03, 02:48 PM
Hum this is interesting,
This is a very plausable theory and could be why she cycled so early because we had an unusual hot spell here for this time of year and then weather returned to a cooler standard temp for this time of year. I had moved her to a cage more susecptable to temp. changes to modify her usual enclosure. I will have to watch this with her and avoid the tempeature fluctuations in the future.
This is very interesting and I appreciate the information very much ! I have not heard this before.
This breeding may be a failure this time but next time I will be better prepared with this information and try what you have suggested. I will let you know what happens. It obviously can't hurt and could let me be able to plan breeding cycles better letting her rest longer in between so she is in optimum health for breeding and egg production.
Thanks again Steve for the extra explanation and info.
Steeve B
06-05-03, 12:10 AM
Thomas nothing would pleas me more then for you and others to find even the tiniest of useful information in all of my posts. If you don’t then I have no reason to share, now do I?
But you have to know this isn’t theory, its research and hard work from years of devotion to these animals, some of the more technical information I provide comes from some of the top science people of this world, it’s graciously offered to you; don’t waste it just because one man says it’s useless to him.
I can guaranty you this man as also learned from me, as I have from him.
Tim and Julie B
06-05-03, 12:36 AM
Steve you always have the best posts. I copy them to a file so I can referance them later. I am studing up on Jobiensis before I even attempt to keep them. The computer is a wonderful tool for teaching and I am sure everyone appreciates the effort you put into explaining something so everyone can understand. I know I do. Thanks again for another great post!
Steeve B
06-05-03, 03:06 AM
Thanks for the nice compliments, do you really copy these on file? Guess I shod too as I forget mostly everything I post, aim always afraid to repeat myself, I shod have enough info on this forum to write a book by now? Guess you shod be my editor!
What you’re doing in regards to Jobiensis is excellent, and you can always count on my support.
As for the net; it sure is a wonderful tool, but it seems to be taken for granted, it’s a place where only well mannered peoples can communicate without conflict, I seem to get in conflict quit often, too much for my likings.
Also Iv noticed my presence on this forum is disturbing many, and as a consequence they don’t post much when aim around, therefore I do not share your opinion in regards to others appreciation of me, sorry but every time I post here I can feel the tension (negative Vibes) so aim trying to keep it to a minimum.
Kind regards
06-05-03, 04:45 AM
Hi Steve,
Just a quick note to tell you that I find your posts very insightful and great help.
I really appreciate your writings, and knowledge, I also know of many, many others that feel the same. Please do not let the negative tension of the few, whoever they are, stop your posts.
There is much prase to give however I must go to work
I second Brians post. good work steeve!
Tim and Julie B
06-05-03, 12:24 PM
Why would anyone take it negitivly? I obviously do not know the whole story but your posts are all informative. If the person disagrees then maybe they should come up with their own info. Or maybe some people are just slow learners. Don't let someone spoil it for you Steve there are a lot of people here that love it when you post!:D Take care Tim.
06-07-03, 11:20 PM
very intersesting ever cosider becoming a scientest seeing that you are a genius
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