View Full Version : Type of boa?
Hey, I'm not quite familiar with the diff boa types. I mean i understand that bcc and bci are different, but i have trouble differenciating the two. what obvious physical characteristics is there different between the 2? also what kind is a columbia boa(as in bci or bcc?)
thansk for the far i;ve only really kept pythons and cokumbrids...
Well, a TRUE colombian red-tailed boa is a BCC... but those are rarely seen, and the colombians you see are almost always BCIs.
There are some differences, like saddle shape. BCC tend to have saddles shapes <> whereas BCI tend to have ) (. BCCs tend to have longer, more slender heads than BCIs. BCC usually have brighter red tails, but don't rely on that because I've seen some killer BCI out there.
All I can think of for now, I'm sure others know more than I do.
McCarthy Boas
06-02-03, 10:36 PM
Hi Steve,
Here are some picture to help you out.
This one is a BCI (normal boa) But I think she is a KILLER ONE!!
<img src="">
This one is a BCC (Guyana)
<img src="">
Take care
06-02-03, 11:33 PM
Here is another killer Colombian BCI:
We don't keep any bcc at the moment. We have something like 16 bci, though (and that is only not quite half of our collection.. EEK :eek: )
06-03-03, 12:29 AM
Hey LdyDrgn, are you going to be working with any morphs this season?
06-03-03, 01:28 AM
I have a gorgeous pastel male that will be bred to 2 of Morti's females later this season.
my male, he is extremely washed out. During his color change he started turning pink on the sides, but now it is turning blue-grey. VERY pretty!
his 2 future g/f's:
As you can see, Tybalt is a bit pale, and Titania is VERY clean. Even her belly is pure white, no freckling!
We will be breeding albino hets next season (hopefully). It depends on if the older female is big enough or not. We also have a couple of fine line albino hets, but the female is still rather young.... No 'serious morph' breeding going on.... at least not yet. We have a couple of friends with a very exciting seperate projects coming up, though. The three of us will be swapping offspring like crazy, LOL!
06-03-03, 07:16 AM
some beautiful snakes you have there my biggest bci khan is a killer wil get some pics posted asap
Oooh are we showin off our BCIs? Here's my girl!
Colonel SB
06-03-03, 09:46 AM
The colombian boa Is a B.c.i, If you really wanna get technical pick up the AVS book The Boa Manual it has the scale counts and saddle counts in it.
06-03-03, 03:55 PM
Saddle counts are not accurate anymore.
There ARE Colombian bcc, they just aren't seen very often, much like the Peruvian bci (Yes, they DO exist).
it the mother color a good indicator of the babies or is that not very accrate?
reptile gallery
06-03-03, 04:28 PM
I hope I am not starting the next 'HEATED DEBATE'....but.... there are no columbian b.c.c and no peruvian b.c.i. Not in the 'true' sense. By name and origin a columbian boa is just one locality of b.c.i, but there are more. Likewise, there are several localities of b.c.c (Guyana,Peruvian,Surinam,etc) We are learning more and more about 'true' b.c.c. and b.c.i. by locality...pinpointing the pure clean strains, which unfortunatly is very difficult because for so many years b.c.c. and b.c.i. were cross bred, and indeed the common boa (or columbian b.c.c) that so many of us keep is in many cases a 'mix' of several localities from both b.c.c and b.c.i. because people had not yet recognized the differences and therefore crossed many animals. The result is the hodge-podge of boas we see today...mixtures of several traits (saddle count,color etc) that has created beautiful examples of boa, but very difficult to map out it's 'true' origin. Not discrediting any one collection or any one animal, just stating the situation as it exists today.
Here are a few links to previous discussions on the topic...
<a href="">Difference between BCI and BCC</a>
<a href="">Difference in care and temperament</a>
And here's a pic of my BCI...
<img src="">
and of one of my BCC that's close in age to the above snake...
<img src="">
Titania is awesome! Good luck with her and the rest of them! :)
06-03-03, 04:35 PM
Here is a pic of my baby BCI she is around 6 months in this picture.
Shes alot bigger now
06-03-03, 05:05 PM
Thanks Linds!
Reptile Gallery: it is not Columbian, but Colombian. I do not remember who posted about it, but it was either Hermann Stöckl or Jeff Ronne (or some other well known breeder). They posted a pic of a Peruvian bci that was WC. Obviously, they didn't want to post too much info on it....
reptile gallery
06-03-03, 06:24 PM
Lazy hands(or mind)..Thanks for the spelling check!!
06-03-03, 07:23 PM
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