View Full Version : housing together
06-22-02, 10:59 PM
Just a quick question. I have a Spectacled and a Shneiders dwarf caiman, Is it okay to house them together or should they be seperated (they are together at the moment and seem to tolerate each other. Both are about a foot and a half long. and males:grab:
jason h
06-23-02, 12:41 AM
you should really seperate them the spec will grow much larger and faster then the dwarf and fights will occur eventually killing the smaller, and the stress alone will not at all be good for either.
P.S. great to see some life on this part of the forums for a while i thought Dom and i were gonna be it here LOL.:D
oh and two males should definatly not be housed together as it will turn into a territorial matter.;)
Shane Tesser
06-23-02, 03:37 PM
Hey guys, how about some pics, i don't have any, and to be honest, i dont know much about them, but id love to one day. Maybe post some general info on keeping them. Sometimes that gets the wheels turning on a perticular part of the site. Anything you can give is cool, they're not seen too ofter where i live so it would really be cool to get some info, pic's etc. Are they dangerous? Im guessing you cant get in there and play with them, lol, or do ya leash them and walk them like a dog, i saw a photo like that once, i thought it pretty cool, s.t.
jason h
06-23-02, 04:35 PM
hya shane!
i posted some general care info a while back but that was before jeff changed everthing over so some of it got lost,i luv answering crocodilian quuestions so any that you have i'll do my best to answer,as for leash walking it can be done but it is something that is very stressing to crocs. that arent used to it from a very early age,and if you ever watch th CROCODILE HUNTER stress can kill a croc.
IF you wish to have a so called tame crocodilian it must be handled from a hatchling EVERY day,to get it accustomed so that it is not a stressful event,this is also NOT a garantee it will tolerate handling especially if it is a caiman species as they are notorious for never settling down.
YES YES YES!! crocodilians can be very dangerous if you dont know what your doing even a so called "tame" crocodilian,letting your guard down can be a very serious mistake and cation should always be used.They are not good pets PERIOD.
though an intresting fact about crocodilians is that they are one if not the smartest of all reptiles,they can recognize people,sounds,and colours.They also can learn routines, such as if you bring his food in a red bowl then he will know the red bowl means feeding time or if you tap on his tank three times every time you want to clean his tank he will come to recognise the three taps as such but you ring a bell everytime you feed then he will recognize that as such.
Just some intresting facts, ANYONE has ?'s please feel free to ask id luv to answeer them for you!!:D
P.S> i sit and watch croc hunter with mine on my lap every day lol.
We have a big 3 leeged american alligator (6 feet) at work and she is perfectly tamed .. I love holding her on my shoulder like a baby .. although she has her off days and has already tried to bite me b4 ...
She is perfectly tamed .. And I mean perfectly but i don't trust her anyway .. all it takes is one mistake.
On an other note .. I was in charge of a feeding demonstration for our two largest gators at the zoo .. and just like u said we have trained them too .. although talking to them means its cleaning time and wisling means feeding time .. I had a blast! You should of seen them jumping for the meet!
On on an other note .. We just finished building a new pen for our three largest Spectacle caimens (5 and a half - snagletooth) and 2 four feeters .. we had to lassoo them to get them out of their tank .. it was quite entertaining .. I felt liek it was a crock hunter apesode ..
And last but not least .. i got to experience sexing all thre of the specs .. Interesting!
Take care guys!
06-23-02, 06:55 PM
Hey Dom would you happen to work at Little Rays. cause everything you had said sounds like what Paul has over there.
I am a member and go there quite often
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