06-02-03, 12:58 PM
This is a follow up to a reply in one of the posts below.
I guess there are two main choices that people make with monitors: perlite and vermiculite.
Personally I prefer vermiculite. Here's why. Simply put, I feel more comfortable with being able to control and monitor the water content with it. I tried perlite with my last clutch of ackies but ended up switching them to vermiculite. I've only hatched 2 species of monitors and for me vermiculite is what I like.
I know that perlite is hugely successful when it comes to hatching monitors. There are a number of members here that can support that claim. In fact it was someone here that convinced me to give perlite a go :) I will try it again just because…….
What are your experiences and thoughts?
<center>Savannah Eggs
<img src="http://www.themonitorspot.com/pictures/sav/sav15.JPG">
Yellow Ackie Eggs
<img src="http://www.themonitorspot.com/pictures/misc/eggz1.jpg">
Credit Grant with the wonderful egg containers! :)
I guess there are two main choices that people make with monitors: perlite and vermiculite.
Personally I prefer vermiculite. Here's why. Simply put, I feel more comfortable with being able to control and monitor the water content with it. I tried perlite with my last clutch of ackies but ended up switching them to vermiculite. I've only hatched 2 species of monitors and for me vermiculite is what I like.
I know that perlite is hugely successful when it comes to hatching monitors. There are a number of members here that can support that claim. In fact it was someone here that convinced me to give perlite a go :) I will try it again just because…….
What are your experiences and thoughts?
<center>Savannah Eggs
<img src="http://www.themonitorspot.com/pictures/sav/sav15.JPG">
Yellow Ackie Eggs
<img src="http://www.themonitorspot.com/pictures/misc/eggz1.jpg">
Credit Grant with the wonderful egg containers! :)