View Full Version : BCI Vs. BCC

05-31-03, 09:06 PM
The pet store I deal with had a gravid BCI that just gave birth a few days ago. I like both species but that tail on the BCC's are amaseing besides the price what else can I expect to be diffrent between the two.

P.S. I would like to use the one I choose for educational displays as they age.

Thanks for the help.


05-31-03, 09:52 PM
Well.. there is a slight size difference between the two of them. BCI's are way more forgiving to husbandry errors than a BCC. Feeding a BCC is a little bit more on the tricky side. If a prey item is too large there is more of a chance it could regurge. Its better to start with a BCI. I always say to buy a BCC, you must take the time to fine tune certain procedures such as, monitoring heat and humidity, offering the right hides spots in the right places...taking the time to train yourself to be more observant to things that you may have overlooked. They are relatively the same but you have to be a lot more attentive to the BCC care requirement, and your experience has to be sharp.

All in all, the requirements of a BCC must be met at all times with no exceptions or it could be costly where on the other hand a BCI should receive the same kind of requirement attention(Dont Get Me Wrong) but if you slip up, like a lot of us do form time to time, it looks like the BCI wont mind as much. (In other words..they ''get over it''.

P.S. I posted this reply as vagely as possible cause there is a lot of different factors that play in their behavior, but these are just the common ones you may hear often.

05-31-03, 09:56 PM
Pretty accurate Chondro.

05-31-03, 10:10 PM
how bout temperment? and useing them for educational displays. though, ease of care does play a part :) thanks for the replys so far guys.

06-01-03, 12:06 AM
Bcc have a tendency to have a bit more of an attitude than bci, LOL. I would not recommend them for use in any educational talks. Even as a display only would be iffy since they stress a bit easier than bci.

06-01-03, 04:55 PM
BCC tend to be a bit more sensitive temeperament-wise and a bit more nervous in their style of movement, but there is no reason that they cannot make just as good educational specimens. I've used both subspecies in educational/entertainment shows/parties (mainly geared towards children ages 3-12 and adults as well). Both BCC and BCI can vary in temperaments from agressive to docile, so its best to aquire an animal that has been used in shows or has had a lot of handling, or better yet to raise the animal yourself from very young. Though all animals are individuals and have their own instincitve temperaments, an animals temperament depends greatly on its upbringing.

06-01-03, 08:21 PM
SO you do belive they can be use effectively then? I have used my 6 foot burm before and she is great with people and very friendly but she doesent like he bag much lol. how whould they act incomparioson to her? (or burms in genral?)

06-01-03, 08:37 PM
In my experience, I find burms to be more commonly agressive than docile, contrary to the reputation of being big puppy dogs. All snakes are different so I cannot make any comparison between two snakes. They all have different personalities. I can say however, that boas are much stronger... a 6' boa would woop a 6' burm in strength.

06-03-03, 08:05 AM
i agree with the different personalities bit..boas have such a rep for being placid and calm..which most of mine are but i do have the one exeption that i rescued frome a guy in cardiff and shes a little cow...but wat do you expect she was abused and mis treated so she did develop a nasty streak but i just accept that the way she is shes my baby

06-04-03, 08:06 PM
so your saying they are then? at least most of the time?

06-08-03, 10:52 AM
I have 2 BCC, Two BCI Commons,2 BCI Hog Islands,
The guyana as a baby was very grummpy ,at almost three she a handfull out of the cage.But very sweet The Baby hogs were very nippy but settle around that first year.
BCI can be nippy as babies but settle very fast.
The BCC will need a much large cage than a BCI.
The BCC will need slightly warmer temps to feed and shed.
Mine like higher humidity too.
So its basically what you want to keep if your gonna have a show boa on display try and find a gentle rescue who's and adult you'll save the boa's life and have a calm adult boa that you know is a puppy dog sweet animal There's at least six in a local pet store here in VA that are returns for size most are puppy dog sweet and one is extremly pretty for only 80.00 bucks american. I wish I could save them all.