View Full Version : YAY..im getting another snake,...

05-31-03, 10:51 AM
HAHA.....right u all know how i have been nagging my parents for another snake for AGES!!!!?
well i eventually got my mam to agree and she said she wouldnt mind...but i would have to persuade my dad to say yes too.....well since my mams persuaded him to say yes to a new horse, i asked for some tips,.....her advice was. ' make it seem like he's making the choice and get him while hes in a good mood.'
i saw the chance when he came in last night pi$$ed as a fart and he agreed with no fight....lol.....
So if anyone wants to persuade their parents to let them get another snake get them while their drunk!!!!!:p anyone had the same experience!??
I know im getting another corn but i dunno weather im getting another normal or snow or albino.....Plz help me choose!!:confused:

05-31-03, 12:44 PM
um get anny one u wantall typs are good what other snakes do u have

05-31-03, 02:47 PM
my folks don't get drunk. thankfully i don't have to ask them for permission.

I like amel's, they have awesome colours.

05-31-03, 03:33 PM
I love amels. but thats me i have an amel and a snow. And i'm older and don't live at home so luckly i don't have to ask permisson to get any new reptiles. lol but i do have my mom bugging me about her wanting a baby beardie from me when i start breeding them. Which is so nice since my mom didn't like reptiles until i moved out and started keeping and breeding them and now she loves coming over and holding them.

05-31-03, 03:51 PM
I'm still trying with my mom...Unfortunately mom doesn't drink and is also, and I hate to say this, above all mind games I've ever encountered. I have to actually wait for her to HONESTLY say OK....damnit. lol


06-01-03, 09:38 PM
my dad dosnt drink and my mom drinks but never gets drunk

06-01-03, 09:39 PM
p.s. get an okeete corn they're great

06-01-03, 10:49 PM
Yah, my parents don't drink, but corns are great snakes good luck on your search. My parents don't like my pets but they support me and whatevr I do.