View Full Version : My widows hatched

Kyle Barker
05-31-03, 01:20 AM
I finally had my biggest girl's first egg case hatch. Unfortuatly a cricket got to it about a month ago, so there were only about 40 eggs left untill mommy showed the crciket who's boss.
Anyway, i THINK i have 34 babies, but they are hard to count with mom trying to bite at everything in site. Here's a pic of them coming out. When i get my camara back i will post some pics of the babies, they are getting huge!


Tim and Julie B
05-31-03, 01:45 AM
Right on Kyle that is quite an accomplishment! Those are tiny. Can't wait to see more pics.

Colonel SB
05-31-03, 07:05 AM
right on man those are very cool. What type of widows are they?

05-31-03, 07:26 AM
Aww they are so cute :) Congratulations, Kyle! It must be very exciting :D

Kyle Barker
05-31-03, 12:12 PM
It is very interesing to watch. 4 babies all feed on one fruit fly together. They are L. hesperus. But they are, or at least mommy is, solid black. I am planning on growing these up and trying to actually breed them so that i can witness teh full life cycle. They now have markings on hteir abdomen. Anyone esle ever breed these? Any tips?


05-31-03, 03:21 PM
Good job! How do you keep them? I have heard they can get through all but the FINEST screen... I wouldn't want a bunch of those roaming around my house, lol! How long was the incubation period?
Dan Conner

Kyle Barker
06-03-03, 12:46 PM
I didn't write down the day they were laid because I didnt see it happen. However I watched her lay the last clucth last week. It took exactly 47 mins from start to finish, and 17mins to lay eggs, man do they shrink. All I know is it was between 1-2 months.
Chances are they are running around your house anyway and you havn't found them yet, but i dont think i like having them loose in my house. They are housed just like fruit flies, 1L jar with lid (not part that covers the middle) and paper towel as ventilation. I will try to get a pic up soon.

06-04-03, 07:24 AM
You selling any of them Kyle?

06-04-03, 07:31 AM
How do you contain spiders so small? How do you remove them to a suitable enclosure when they are so tiny? They look so so small!


Kyle Barker
06-04-03, 01:48 PM
Chris: I will be selling them when they are bigger and i pick out some males for myself. i am wanting to grow up some babies and breed them, so that i can witness the complete life cycle. So probably another month or so.

marissa: Do you know what fruit fly jars look like? Just like that but without friut fly food. i will post a pic sometime, once you see it there will be no confusion. I remove them by first removing mommy. She gets PISSED OFF! then you just slowly let them crawl on you hand or somthing and put them in their new home, very time consuming.

06-04-03, 04:01 PM
Wow that sounds like quite the job! I would love to see the pics!
