View Full Version : Looking for a good caresheet for gaboon

05-29-03, 04:56 AM
I'm getting my female gaboon in 2 weeks time. I'm still looking for a good caresheet for them interms of feeding, tank size n things to look out for. Can anyone help?? Thanks


05-29-03, 07:50 AM
have you ever kept any venomous before?

05-29-03, 09:29 AM
currently I do keep wagler pit vipers n some copperheads but gaboon is my first. I dun handle my snakes unless I need to change the water dishes n beddings. I will put all my venomous in containers before doing the cleaning or changing of water. Just to be safe.

Any advise on gaboon?? I read that the tank has to be high to prevent been strike.

I also like to know when will they become mature??? When will I feed them again?? Once a week or after they poo??



05-29-03, 10:18 AM
sorry coldy74,
I was just curious if this was your first hot, I have never kept gaboons, so i cant help with your questions :(

Gregg is our resident Bitis expert, so I'll let him field this one!

Gregg M
05-29-03, 06:28 PM
The first thing you will need to know is how to hydrate gaboons properly....... They can dehydrate quick because they do not always drink from water dishes...... They can be a pain in the butt sometimes...... What I do is mist them 2 to 3 times a week, I give them a nice soak once a week and I also inject mice with a few CCs of water just to insure they get hydrated....... Humidity levels should never go above 80% or below 50% for an extended period of time..... Temperatures are very important....... I keep the hot end of the encloser at around 85 degrees f....... Never above that...... They can die if it gets too hot for an extended period of time......At the cool end it stays around 75 degrees f....... At night you can allow these temps to drop 5 to 7 degrees f....... Feeding goes by the age....... My young ones are fed 2 to 3 times a week and adults get fed once a week....... I keep my young ones in an encloser that is 4x2 1/2 feet and my adults are kept in enclosers no less than 6x3......... I am sure you have heard how fast they can strike and do so from just about any angle....... Do you self a favor and try to obtain some antivenin....... It is about 60 dollars US for a vial....... Worth every penny and the time it takes to get FDA permits....... Let me know if I missed anything.... LOL......

05-29-03, 06:51 PM
Thanks for yr advise :)

05-29-03, 07:02 PM

Is your gaboon a WC/CB? If she is a CB, feeding should be no problem at all, otherwise WC will takes you a longer & also watch out for parasites.

I think Gregg gave you very good info of how to care her. As she is your first gaboon, be very careful since they are VERY fast and powerful although they look lazy. Use a big cage can make you more safe when you work with them. Watch out their body language before a strike (sometimes no body language at all)- rapid eye movement, a slight hiss, slight expansion of the side of their body.... then bang the strike comes. Get yourself some equipment like a couple sturdy hooks, long forcep/hemostat....etc. Have yourself prepared to handle her other than routine maintainence, once a while you will handle your gabbon like a retained eyecap....etc. You need some tubes (like those from MidWxxT) for safety handling. Of course, AV, first aid kit, Epipen should always available if something goes wrong.....


05-29-03, 07:36 PM
the gaboon I'm getting was told to be a cb.

For the first aid.... hee hee..... still preparing....


Gregg M
05-29-03, 10:15 PM
Gaboon vipers mature sexually at anywhere between 2 to 4 years old........