View Full Version : what lizards can i fit in...

05-27-03, 02:51 PM
a 5' by 18" by 2' tall tank
thats 125 gallons i think?

can beardies live well in that?

Tim and Julie B
05-27-03, 03:02 PM
A pair would. A trio of Uromastyx. A trio of Ackies. 80 anoles. 100 house geckos. A golden Tegu. A whole butt load of Dart frogs! 100 fire bellied toads. a trio of blue tonges. etc. etc. There are a lot of cool herps that can be kept in a tank that large. If you use some Pam you might be able to squeeze a Sav in there!

05-27-03, 03:03 PM
The 18" dimension is problematical for beardies, they prefer not to have to curl up their tails and are often longer than that. A Rankins dragon would be much happier.

05-27-03, 03:06 PM
the 100 house geckos is mighty tempting ;)

05-27-03, 03:12 PM
could i get some info on rankins? i havent heard about this sub species before.
does anyone keep them?

Tim and Julie B
05-27-03, 03:18 PM
Seriously if you want something to breed in that tank get some Uro's. You can put a trio in there easily. If you want a display tank. You can go for a community tank with a few house geckos, a few anoles and some green tree frogs. Maybe a few swifts or long tailed grass lizard as well. Very entertaining! Rankins would be cool also.

05-28-03, 02:28 PM
other than beardies, rankins and uros, what are some lizards that are active during the day? hopefully something with some personality as well :)

05-28-03, 02:32 PM
From what I've seen, uromastyx are extremely active, one of the most active lizards i've ever witnessed and then would eba great choice for an enclosure that large.

05-28-03, 02:34 PM
I agree about the uros... they are sooo active and cute during the day! They sit there and eat their little pea pods and look at you and run around and crawl on each other... lol.

Go for a uro or two :P


Tim and Julie B
05-28-03, 02:38 PM
Well blue toung skinks fit that description. except for the active part. There are tons of little Agamids and skinks. Plated lizards, a big colony of emperor scorps for somthing completely different. There are so many lizards that would be cool to have in a tank that big. Seriously though Uro's fit your description perfectly and if you get one of the smaller species you could house a trio in a tank that big.

05-28-03, 02:39 PM
I dont know how common these are around you, but when I was at teh store and I saw three, what seemed to be very active, intersting, and simply BEAUTIFUL sandfish skinks. Look into these, they are cheap and very pretty, and you could fit PLENTY in that size tank lol Also Ackies are nice, and uros