View Full Version : the great escape and rescue

05-27-03, 12:09 PM
well i know its a bit stupid on my part but here is the story,
i woke up this morning to find what looked like kurt my snake had buried him-self and i had to clean the tank so i started taking the wood chip out in small hand fulles intil the tank was empty thats wen i nearly shat my self i couldnt see kurt anny where i couldnt get out the lid was verry secure then i looked under a climbing frame thing to se his tale disappearing into the mould of the frame i had to saw a small bit in (where i know he couldnt get) then slide a screw driver in and carefuly snap it open anny was he soon shot out i left him a bit then cheked him to se if he was ok, he was and he is sleeping it of, verry stupid on my part anny was ive got rid of anny thing he can get stuck in.

05-27-03, 01:56 PM
We have a model house in one of our tanks. there is a small opening in the bottom that a snake could get in but we covered it with a piece of duct tape. you have to remember that snakes are able to fit into all sorts of things that they don't look like they can, which is why they're awesome escape artists.

05-27-03, 02:31 PM
I have a tree in my snakes enclosure(which when he was a baby he also got lost in and i started doing what you did to) i have pics in my gallery. On the bottom is a huge hole they could go in and get stuck inside the tree and there is another hole somewhere in the middle. To close these up we put cardboard in the tree under the hole then sealed them up with a hot glue gun. then we would let the glue settle for a day or two. we redo them once a year.

05-27-03, 02:34 PM
yeah but to get him out i had to snap the thing in half luckely he has all on one side of the snap

05-27-03, 05:04 PM
I have too many snakes at home so can't afford to get them all something like a wracked ship...but some snakes does have a tree stump.....not all have a something like that....

05-27-03, 05:56 PM
ya you should have just waited if possible for him to come out thats what i did. You don't have to break things or worry about hurting the snake. But i'm glad to hear he is doing ok.

05-27-03, 06:05 PM
I put the fish tank thing's in with my smaller snakes like the skulls and the tree stumps but i only have a few small snakes it would be hard to find a wrecked ship for a 14 foot burm .........lol

05-29-03, 01:20 PM
yeah i might have to buy a real one, o he couldnt get out by himself wen i snaped it a bit came of a bit further down frm where he was

Tim and Julie B
05-29-03, 01:32 PM
I don't with my snakes but I do use aquarium plants (fake) for my aquatic turtles. Oh my anole does have a jungle hut. There is no possible way he would get stuck though.