05-27-03, 12:09 PM
well i know its a bit stupid on my part but here is the story,
i woke up this morning to find what looked like kurt my snake had buried him-self and i had to clean the tank so i started taking the wood chip out in small hand fulles intil the tank was empty thats wen i nearly shat my self i couldnt see kurt anny where i couldnt get out the lid was verry secure then i looked under a climbing frame thing to se his tale disappearing into the mould of the frame i had to saw a small bit in (where i know he couldnt get) then slide a screw driver in and carefuly snap it open anny was he soon shot out i left him a bit then cheked him to se if he was ok, he was and he is sleeping it of, verry stupid on my part anny was ive got rid of anny thing he can get stuck in.
i woke up this morning to find what looked like kurt my snake had buried him-self and i had to clean the tank so i started taking the wood chip out in small hand fulles intil the tank was empty thats wen i nearly shat my self i couldnt see kurt anny where i couldnt get out the lid was verry secure then i looked under a climbing frame thing to se his tale disappearing into the mould of the frame i had to saw a small bit in (where i know he couldnt get) then slide a screw driver in and carefuly snap it open anny was he soon shot out i left him a bit then cheked him to se if he was ok, he was and he is sleeping it of, verry stupid on my part anny was ive got rid of anny thing he can get stuck in.