View Full Version : oscar compatability

05-27-03, 08:24 AM
I have been reading alot on these guys, cause im totally IN LOVE with this type of fish. I know how aggresive they are but Ive read they usually leave algea eaters and cats alone? is this true. I am getting another tank for my brothers goldfish in alittle bit. When I do there will be 1 pleco, 4 albino corys(sp?), and 1 tadpole, but by the time i get the oscar the tadpole will be a frog cause it has a day or two. But will the oscar leave the pleco and cats alone??

05-27-03, 09:08 AM
If a Pleco and an Oscar grow up together they usually live peacefully. Same goes for large cats but not Corys... they'll eventually be lunch.

05-27-03, 12:03 PM
Ok, so I can just keep the corys in until the oscar is getting too big, what about an algea eat then?? Would the pleco be good enough

05-27-03, 01:45 PM
I think the Pleco is the best bet by far. "Algae Eaters" (chinese) only get 5 or 6 inches and eventually stop eating algae anyway.

Do you realize that a full grown pleco and oscar will require 100 gallons? Just making sure because they grow quite fast.

05-28-03, 10:34 AM
yeah i do. im gettin the oscar as small as possible, if i even get it. so ill have time to save up for a bigger tank, and im going to look into a custom aquarium cause my dad and I built a nice 4x2x2 for my burm(temporary enclosure). But Im guessin the aquarium is going to be aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit harder?

05-28-03, 02:42 PM
From experience... you won't save any money building a large aquarium yourself. I couldn't and I deal in glass. Unless you can get 3/8 or 1/2 inch plate for REALLY cheap, you might as well buy a new one (or even better, a used one). 100's and 125's end up in the classifieds all the time. Don't forget, if you build an aquarium, you need to build a stand too and a full aquarium weighs roughly 10 lbs/gallon. :)