View Full Version : Reptile health insurance?

05-27-03, 06:17 AM
I am trying to look for health insurances for my reptiles on the web and to my suprise, the only insurance companies I can find that cover reptiles are from UK. Are there any reptile insurances being offered in Canada? Is it necessary?

05-27-03, 02:29 PM
I've seen insurance for cats and dogs at vets, you could call them and inquire if they will cover reptiles.

05-27-03, 10:20 PM
Alan... if you do find a reptile health insurance company please let us know! I'm not in Canada, but it would be something I'd want for my 'kids' =)

05-27-03, 11:17 PM
Please be very careful about asking to insure herps! I tried this once when I lived in an apartment and had my basic apartment, car and motorcycle policy cancelled...They wanted nothing to do with me once they found out I was a reptile keeper...
We are considered above average risk to most insurance companies,and simply too much of a liability, so be careful your inquiries don't backfire.

05-28-03, 12:30 AM
you should contact Damon Salecies, I know he insured his albino GTO for $250,000 each and could give you some info. He's located in New Mexico, USA so probably has an American insurance co.

05-28-03, 12:36 AM
er GTP's lol

05-28-03, 04:14 AM
My guess is that American companies won't insure herps from Canada, right? But Samba can contact Damon Salecies, you guys both live in New Mexico and you can get your 'kids' insured :D

05-28-03, 07:32 AM
We are talking about health insurance, right? Not life or loss insurance? There is a difference.....

05-28-03, 01:22 PM
LOL Alan! Reverend, please, if you would, send my inquiries to Damon Salecies I would appreciate it. So when are we gonna go hang out? LOL I think most of us are speaking about 'loss' insurance, but I'd get a life insurance policy on my kids. It sounds kinda mean though... hehe

05-28-03, 01:23 PM
Oh yeah, and health insurance. I'm gonna talk to my vet about that... after I've been in such a filthy pet store I wanna make sure I didn't spread anything to my babies. =/