View Full Version : Bit of a problem

05-26-03, 09:14 PM
My BCI was feeding fine, handling fine, and generally very happy. I've had her for a few months she only a few months and has yet to refuse a meal. Then one day she did, i was kinda busy that day so i decided to try the next day. That's when i noticed that her eyes were getting cloudy, so i figured that she was in a shed cycle, so i left her alone for a few days. Well about 5 days passed and still no shed and her eyes were still cloudy. Today makes it 10 days since i last handled her and 15 since she last ate and she wouldn't eat today either. Her eyes are no longer cloudy but i have yet to see any shed. What should i do? I am very confused, and scared. My friend told me to feed it an alive mouse, but up to this point she has been eating frozen with no problems. Can someone help me out please!!!!!!

05-26-03, 09:18 PM
Don't feed her live just give it time to finish sheding and then try i bet she will eat after she is done her shed
good luck

05-26-03, 09:26 PM
Yeah, wait till shes done shedding, sometiems it takes them a while to shed. After theyre eyes stop clouding it usually takes a few days for them to shed. So just be patient and hopefully she has a good shed. After that she shoudl feed just fine and act normal. Good luck!!

05-26-03, 10:31 PM
be patient..she will be fine. btw...make sure the humidity levels are right..spray her enclosure and her with some water a little each day. I do this with my columbia red-tail and he sheds nicely.

05-27-03, 02:05 PM
thank you all for your help