View Full Version : Golden tegu pic

05-26-03, 05:44 PM
Here is my little Golden Tegu i got a few weeks ago he is not to tame but still a cool tegu

05-27-03, 11:08 AM
Very nice tegu.
You will be very pleased they are almost comical at times. I do know of a few that have tamed down.

Tim and Julie B
05-27-03, 11:24 AM
Mine are getting better! I have been working with them every time they are out. They are a great lizard to own, not terribly active but that probably changes with age once they are secure enough in their size. I can not understand why Tegu's in general aren't more popular. In your pic it looks like it has two plates (scales) between the eye and the nose scales is that right? If so it is probably not a golden.

Colonel SB
05-29-03, 11:11 AM
Very nice B&Y Tegu, I can't wait I get mine in a week.

05-30-03, 09:05 PM
I have a B&W tegu, he is very docile. The only time he is not so happy to see you is if you have to dig him out (he likes to burrow under the substrate....ignores any hides in the cage). Your tegu should be pretty tame as long as you handle him gently, don't over restrain him, and don't over do it during any one session.

Tim and Julie B
05-30-03, 09:21 PM
Blk & whts are but not goldens. Goldens are spastic little guys that need a lot of time and effort to tame. They are very quick to bite and I do suggest restraining them well. As it is very difficult to catch up with a loose one. It is funny how they ignore hides isn't it. They always prefer to dig under some piece of cage furniture.

06-17-03, 07:07 PM
I got an argentine tegu at the reptile expo in toronto a couple months ago and i love him but hes still crazy. Tim and Julie B gave me a few good pointers on how to calm them down and so far im having huge progress ever since i got him. Thanks guys :)

good luck with your golden tegu