View Full Version : Yea!!! Snake cage back to normal

05-25-03, 05:11 PM
i had to wipe out my snake cage for awhile and i put it back together today.

Hope you enjoy.

05-27-03, 11:44 AM
What kind of beding is that beacause it looks like dirt but oher then that you have a good set up

05-27-03, 01:28 PM
Those stick to the glass thermometers aren't really that good. Plus you have it in the wrong place it should be 1-2 inches from the subtrate.

05-27-03, 02:07 PM
killa clown it's not dirt it's a mixture of bed n beast and the chips( sorry forgot the name). they love to burrow in it.

stretch i do not use those strips as my themometer. I have a digital one i use i just havent removed them from 2 of my cages cause they hurt my fingers to remove.

I'm so glad people love to point out anylittle mistake they think they find. If you have anymore complaints about my cage setup go ahead and post it.

05-29-03, 09:29 PM
I have a suggestion on how to take off those thermometers without killing your hands(which i have done). A very small wood chisel does the job, and if kept flat on the glass, it won't scratch either. I love your enclosure.

05-29-03, 09:37 PM
leave them on if they aren't hurting anything. Nice set up. :)

05-29-03, 09:43 PM
I agree!! Awesome setup, and I do agree with you about the "point out every little thing" comment...bah. Anyone, im glad you got things under control. :)

05-30-03, 07:58 AM
ya i was upset that day when i posted that i didn't mean to sound so rude but thats how it came out. ty everyone.

Andy i may have to try that. I didn't want to use a razor blade cause i was afraid of scratching the glass.

06-12-03, 09:37 AM
Great looking setup!! :D

Originally posted by drewlowe
I'm so glad people love to point out anylittle mistake they think they find. If you have anymore complaints about my cage setup go ahead and post it.

Originally posted by ThEmAdHaTtEr
I agree!! Awesome setup, and I do agree with you about the "point out every little thing" comment...bah.

But would you guys rather everyone kept anything they saw that they felt was wrong with your animals setups to themselves? If there is a better way of doing things, wouldn't you want to know, for your animals sake? I know it feels like people can get nitpicky, but its only with the animals best interest at heart ;)

06-12-03, 10:08 AM
Linds, I came back and replied i was upset that day that i didn't mean to sound so rude. I agree i would like to know if i could do something better. but do you know how many times i have had to tell people i don't use those themometers. And that was the only thing that person had said. I know this seems a little ignorant but i see more people posting "nice setup" for rack systems and papertowel cages with plastic bowls for hides. Which i'm not saying nothing wrong with that at all. I have a few cages that are like that to. i took my time to set up an eye appeling cage which i've devoted alot of time setting up cages. To have people start pointing out things that are wrong. That day i just happend to be in a pissy mood when i replied. And i may be reading to far into it but that was how i felt that day.

I have an appointment with one of the reptile curators at the St. Louis Zoo Saturday. He's going to show me how to set up more naturalistic enclosure for each species i keep. (so exited 2 more days) I'm also taking pics of each cage i have, to show him how my setups are and any corrections i can make to make it better for the reptile housed in that cage. I'm going to be writing down the temps i keep on both the warm and cool end to be assured i'm keeping them at the correct temps.

06-16-03, 03:06 PM
Dont forget that using fake flowerly plants quite like yours can cause the snake to go insane due to hypnosis!!!! just kidding.

More people should put time into setups like the one you did! good job. I would rule most of the criticism out as jealousy. :)

06-29-03, 07:32 PM
I dont think my post was offencive but if it was im sorry

06-30-03, 07:35 AM
No not yours killa clown it wasn't just this post at that time.

06-30-03, 10:47 AM
nice looking setup thats all i have to say :)

06-30-03, 10:50 AM
lol thanks mike

this tread is pretty old i'm suprised people are still responding to it.