View Full Version : Tonka tackles a tiger....

05-25-03, 01:39 PM
This tortoise is nearly fearless!!

<img src="http://www.thebeardedlady.org/images/Dcp_1130.jpg">

He climbed right up my magazine rack to the ottoman and confronted the kitty without hesitation.

<img src="http://www.thebeardedlady.org/images/Dcp_1131.jpg">

At least he had the good sense to retract his head when confronted by cat breath!

Tim and Julie B
05-25-03, 02:00 PM
That is to funny! The cat looks kind of uncertain of it all. You are really a proud parent Eyespy it is really cute how much you love your new addition. It also is keeping the tortoise forum active for once. When I get a cam I will share also. Wait until you see my Greek. She is an awsome little tortoise.

05-25-03, 02:09 PM
Buster is such a great big wuss-puss. I can see that he'd love to be the mighty hunter, yet he is terrified that his mommy will be mad at him and so he never knows what to do. So he ends up sniffing noses and talking to my herps. It's really quite funny to see and hear!

But still I don't trust him as far as I can throw the lardbutt and always have a spray bottle handy to send him running should the hunter instinct ever appear.

05-25-03, 02:12 PM
My turlte used to stand up to my sister's dog. She had a bichon frise and would sneek into my room when i had my turtle out. First she would investigate then start to bark at her. Finally my little girl would get fed up and make a hissing/breathing noise and my sister's dog would leave. Chalk another one up for reptiles.

05-28-03, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Tim and Julie B
It also is keeping the tortoise forum active for once.

Shouldn't a tortoise forum plod slowly and steadily forward like its subject matter? :medtoothy

red bootz
05-28-03, 04:35 PM
quite slowly and steadily by the looks of things here!

05-29-03, 09:58 PM
Hahaha great pics... too cute! :p