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05-25-03, 10:59 AM
how hard is it keeping a venomous snake what type of things do u need to do and have

05-25-03, 11:18 AM
the biggest requirement for keeping hot snakes is plenty of experience handling them. This is done by finding a hot keeper in your area and asking for some training.

05-25-03, 11:31 AM
Um snake_goth...today you were asking me how to take care of a cornsnake so I suggest that you don't even THINK about owning a hot. Sorry pal :(

05-25-03, 04:01 PM
Snake you might want to spend several years with Non-venomous snakes first and learn proper husbandry and handling of them first. Then find yourself a qualified Hot Handler and ask him/her for their help in your quest to keep and care for these wonderful animals.Please keep in mind that it is not a matter of IF you get bit but When. Also keep in mind a bite can cost you tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills and or kill you. It is not a hobby for anyone that doesnt have the proper level of training or skill.

If you choose to pursue Hot's then please from day one any non-venomous you keep , start practicing proper handling , use hooks , tongs , tubes, etc etc. to get some practice.once your comfortable with them then find the hot keeper to help you. Never Never just because your comfortable try catching or dealing with one till you have the skills and trainning.

05-25-03, 04:07 PM
I suggest you get a couple snakes that are zippy and aggressive, and pretend it's a venomous snake. Whenever it bites you or escapes you can think "i could be dead right now".

After you've had years of experience working with non-hot snakes, then years of experience working with other keepers' mildly hot snakes, you could consider getting a mangrove snake or a flying snake, and work your way up to more potent snakes.

You'll need years and years of experience behind you, as well as hours and hours of research, permits, insurance, access to anti-venom, another experienced partner, experience working with sick snakes, expensive locking cages in a locked room, you probably won't be able to raise a family with venomous snakes in the house etc etc etc. It's a big commitment, and you shouldn't even be thinking of starting yet.


05-26-03, 11:31 AM
no no no i am just whant to know i dont whant to get one

05-26-03, 12:09 PM
>how hard is it keeping a venomous snake what type of things >do u need to do and have. no no no i am just want to know i >dont want to get one
ok, locking enclosures, experience, tongs, forcepts, experience, locking snake room, warning signs, experience, permits (if required in your area), closable hide, experience, vet that will accept venomous animals, hospital that knows you keep them, more warning signs, knowledge of the type of venom any particular species has, experience, tubes (for handling), treatment sheets for each animal at the enclosure, a phone and emergency numbers in the snake room, a shield out of clear material to keep between you and the animal when you go into the enclosure, a locking box to put the animal in during cage cleaning, another hot keepers phone # (better more than one jic), and experience. I think I got most of them but there could be others I just can't think of atm.

05-26-03, 12:13 PM
ok so um what is it u do with the snakes do u milk them or just have them to look at

05-26-03, 01:11 PM
Rev I think you forgot only the kitchen sink lol.

Myself I admire them for thier Beauty and elegance. I also am facinated by the venom they produce and the possibilities it has toward medical potential for humans,I spend hours every week researching and keeping up on possible application. To me a venomous snake is not a Macho thing but a true love and joy and respect of one of the most amazing animals alive.

05-26-03, 01:18 PM
i didnt say it was a Macho thing, so u do milk them??

Gregg M
05-26-03, 01:49 PM
Most of the keepers here do not milk snakes...... Milking is pointless unless you are in a venom lab studying the venom or at a facility that milks them to produce antivenin....... It is a stressfull think for a snake to endure and should only be done by qualified persons...... There is realy no reason for us "regular" hot keepers to milk our snakes.....

Gregg M
05-26-03, 01:53 PM
Hey Rev, I think you forgot having your own antivenin supply and the permits required to get exotic AV.......

05-26-03, 02:46 PM
Milking not me man, i like my life to much to take that many chances a day, your talking probably 50 or more snakes a day you would be milking , times 365 days a year,thatsa about 18000 times you take a chane of a bite.The odds are deffinatly not good for you , you will get a bit sooner rather than later.

05-29-03, 04:17 PM
I'm not going to milk mine, only a couple of places buy venom, and it probably takes about 12 Mojave rattlers to make the 250ml minimum, plus the paperwork involved. One thing to remember about hots is the question is not IF your going to be bit but WHEN. After 35 bite free years playing with rattlesnakes I'm begining to wonder if I'm pushing my luck just keeping them, even though I always follow proper protocol.