View Full Version : Possible?

05-24-03, 04:50 PM
I was watching a show on discovery last night, and they said a 5ft fox snake could easily constrict and swallow and a big fat skunk.

Is that possible? I mean, the skunk was huge. I know snakes can eat big meals but there is a limit...

This may belong in the colubrid forum, heck for all I know maybe it goes in the Food for Thought. Feel free to move as seen fit.


05-24-03, 05:34 PM
Well I know it is a whole different species and the like, but I once saw on a site a fairly small retic eating a HUGE rabbit, I mean like 4 times the snakes size so hey you never know lol.

05-24-03, 06:22 PM
if the skunk was pre killed maybe otherwise i guarentee the skunk would maul that snake to death.

05-24-03, 06:51 PM
I meant size-wise. The skunk must have been at least 15 times bigger around than the snake was, before the fur.


05-24-03, 07:01 PM
size wise, like i said if it was pre-killed probably.. you would be surprised what most snakes can handle..

05-24-03, 09:08 PM
pretty sure fox snakes don't get over like a golf ball around.. max.

II doubt they could eat an adult skunk.. actually .. I think its impossible but if it is.. I wanna see some pics.